5. I love you

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I lied down in bed unsure of what to do. It was times like this where millions of thoughts came piling into my head because there was simply nothing else to think about other than my dumb life.

Why am I so worthless?

I can be better.

Is this what all teenagers do?

I should talk to my family more.

Do my parents hate me?


Am I the only one that isn't in a relationship?

Most likely.

How are Amy and that boy doing?

They probably already fucked.

Should I try get a boyfriend?

I shouldn't even try.

Who would I like?

I don't know.... Shawn?


I like him.

What? You can't say that!

Yeah... but he's cute and he's the only one that has actually talked to me and cared about what I had to say.

Wow, okay....

I shook my thoughts off, opened my eyes and got up to get myself a snack. I searched the fridge but there was nothing but plastic water bottles... ugh. I checked the freezer and to my surprise, there was a single popsicle. I can't die from it probably being there for a decade, right? Meh, if I die, I die. I got it out from the freezer and unwrapped it, putting the wrapper in the trashcan only to get jumpscared by my phone ringing from the couch, almost making me drop my popsicle.

"Jesus Christ." I whispered under my breath. That scared the shit out of me.

"Hello." I picked up.

"Destiny...." My mom's voice croked. She sounded... hurt?

"Mom, are you okay? What's going on?" I licked the bottom of my popsicle since it was about to drip on me.

My mom sighed, "I'm just going to say it. Your dad and I will be getting divorced-" I stopped her.

"What, why?!" I almost yelled, my expression changing completely.

"Destiny, he's cheating." I could tell she was tearing up.

"What, no.... No way." I lowered my voice.

"I'm sorry to ruin your day now but I have to go. Don't worry I will sort things out. I felt like it was right to tell you. Bye, Des." The call ended and I slowly put my phone down; my popsicle was still in my hand, melting but I didn't care so I just left it on the table.

I watched it melt and create a pool of its juice as tears started swelling up in my eyes. How? Why? I didn't want to believe it. I put my hands in my curly hair and looked down at the floor.

I trusted him.
We were so close.

I felt numb. There were tears, a lot of them but apart from that, I didn't know what to do. I am numb.

I'm so useless. I can't even go to my mom and comfort her. My sobs got louder as I curled up into a ball wanting to be invisible, until there was a knock on my door.

What am I supposed to do? Answer it like this?

"Who is it?" I tried shouting not wanting to get up but my voice failed to do so.

No one answered me so I had no choice but to check to see who it was. I cracked the door open slightly and poked my head through.

"Destiny, I thought I'd come by and see if you'd like to- woah, are you okay?"

"Sh- Shawn?" My voice was weak.

"What's wrong? Can I come in? I- I'm here for you." He looked awkward and he looked like he didn't know what to say or how to react.

"Yeah." I opened the door fully and let him in. Shawn and I made our way to the couch slowly and sat down next to eachother. I still looked at the floor because I didn't want him to see my face. I was trying so hard to hold the tears back but a tear still managed to slip out.

"I want to be there for you as a friend. I want you to understand that you can trust me unless you're not comfortable with telling me." I could feel his gaze on me.

The way he put those words together made the tears spill out immediately. He was so sweet.

"Come here. I don't know what's wrong but I promise you things will get better." He motioned me to come closer and without hesitation, I dug my head into his muscular chest and didn't care about holding the tears back. He put his hand on my back rubbing it slowly as I sobbed making his shirt soak immidetly.

"My dad..."

"Your dad? Is he okay?" He questioned his voice filling with concern.

"I wish he died. He's such a bitch!" My voice was muffled in his shirt but you could tell I was angry.

"Woah, no, no. You can't say that." Shawn lifted my head and lifted my chin up before putting both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Shawn, he fucking cheated on my mom! What do you expect me to do? Laugh and tell you I love him?"

"Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry."

It was now silent for a while until he spoke up, "your mom deserves better." He said as I turned the other way and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I loved him."

"I know but you need to stand strong. It's not your fault and there's nothing you could have done. You need to stay strong for the people around you. Your mom wouldn't want to see you like this would she? You need to remember that there is good left in the world and appreciate the good things. My parents are happy together but occasionally had fights when I used to live with them. It honestly made me so upset so I can't imagine how hard this must all be for you. Just know that I'm here to talk, okay?" Shawn looked at me directly in the eyes proving his seriousness and I did the same except I broke down in tears for the 5th time today.

What did I do to just accidentally have this man as my friend? I wish we were something more. I mean- I don't need to know him for five years; I think this is enough for me.

"Shawn I... I love you so much." I blurted out.


His expression changed as he awkwardly nodded his head and replied with, "same." Almost in a questioning tone.

Of course I fuck this up.

We snuggled for a while as the TV became white noise in the background. The way he held me made me feel loved. Believe it or not, even my mom hasn't made me feel this way.

Ever felt like you have no control over what comes out of your mouth because you're just simply so tired? Yeah, that was me right now.

"Shawn, I love you so much. It feels like I've known you for so long even though it was just three days ago that I found out your name. You give me joy. You make me happy. Thank you. I want to be in your arms forever." My eyes felt heavy but Shawn's sudden move and lips on my forehead, that caused butterflies to form in my stomach, made me wake up and come back to reality.

"I love you too." Shawn whispered as his hot breath on my skin made the hairs the back of my neck stand on end.

I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out so instead I just smiled and shifted in my seat to look at him.

"Th- thank you." I stuttered.

"Anything for a friend."

To be continued...

Anyway peeps, how y'all doing? Y'all enjoying this fanfic so far?... I should update more... Have good morning/afternoon/night! I love you all!! <3

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