9. Scarred

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"I think I'm gonna get going now." Amy yawned.

"Okay, boo. Night." She got up from the couch and towards the door, my eyes followed her small figure. She opened the door but then almost straight after, I heard the it close again.

"Destiny." She whispered, sounding traumatised.

"What?" I turned to face her.

"Are you and Shawn close?" She asked out of nowhere. This girl needs to stop asking about Shawn.

"Yeah, why?"

"Th- then you might not want to see what's outside." Damn she was bad at this. She can't just tell me that there's something going on but I can't see it. I got up from my seat and poked my head out of the door to see what could possibly be so scaring.

"Let's go inside." The blonde girl in a white crop top and black shorts moaned tugging onto Shawn. My jaw dropped as I shifted back so that I wasn't seen. Shawn felt his pockets hastily until he found his keycard and fumbled around with it until he managed to unlock the door with the girl sucking on his neck. Why am I still watching? I do not know but I was going to throw up any second. I shut the door and looked back at Amy, who had a unexplainable look on her face.

"I did warn you... But holy cow he's hot with his hair all mess-"

"Shut up he's not hot. Get out. Didn't you want to go?" I sounded a bit harsh but she cannot be thinking like this.

"Okay, fine Jesus Christ you drama queen." With that, she once again grabbed her stack of books and belongings and left me on my own in my dimly lit room.

I brushed my teeth, got into my pyjamas and went into bed. The bed is always that place where I have the time to question everything I've done; every little thing I've said and just life in general.

Did I mean nothing to him?

Am I just another girl out of the hundreds?

What am I saying, it's not like we fucked..... we almost did but still...

Am I jealous?

I sighed as I tried to block out the unholy moans and noises. I plugged in my headphones and put on a playlist of sad songs.

'Taste the poison from your lips, they leave we're as good as gone.'

Seriously? First song I play and it's that dickhead? You know, maybe I should just forget about this random boy I literally met only because his room is next to mine but it's not a great help when his perfect, dumb, sexy, bitch face is everywhere I go and that stupid voice of his- UGH.

'You're perfectly wrong for me, and that's why it's so hard to leave.' I closed my eyes as I put it up louder. As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't resist.

It had now been about twenty five or thirty minutes and the going to sleep plan had failed horribly so I quickly got changed into my comfy tracksuit and walked outside of the hotel and onto the streets. It was still super busy even at 10 pm; I don't know what I was expecting, it is New York after all. I wasn't sure were I was going but I knew I had to get away from that place so I just kept on walking until I reached what seemed to be the core of New York meaning tall buildings and a very lively area with each and every corner lit up.

Since I had been craving a popsicle for an unhealthy amount of time (since the time I left one on the table), I made my way to a small shop and payed for it.

I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going, carried away with my food and found myself with a blocked path. I had reached a table filled with paperwork; I looked up to see a girl (about my age) about to fall asleep. I studied the place and read the banner:

'Think you have what it takes to be a dancer? Write a few things down and you're in!'

Most people would look at me and laugh, how can the girl who can't even walk up the stairs without breathing like she's just walked a marathon be a dancer? The thing is, I've always had a thing for dancing. Whenever I was stressed or anything like that, I'd put on some music and make up my own moves for it. I'd love to learn choreography. Although I knew by writing my details on a sheet wasn't going to get me anywhere, it was worth a shot.

Curiously, I shook the girl gently to wake her up and asked, "hey, I was wondering if I could fill one of these sheets in." I smiled, my popsicle in my other hand.

"Uhm, okay. Yeah, here." She said in a groggy voice and passed me a sheet and pen. She looked at me up and down and chuckled probably laughing at how such girl was signing up to be a dancer.

When I had finished filling it in, I gave it back to her with a, "thanks." She didn't even look at me again. Americans are so rude.

"You should get a call if you are accepted."

"Okay." I said then gave my popsicle another slurp just to piss her off. She doesn't have the right to act like a pig so why not?

I yawned and figured I should probably start making my way back. My mom told me to never go out at night alone but oops, it was a bit too late for that.

I entered the hotel and got greeted by the receptionist until he called me over.

"Ms, someone has left you this envelope." He smiled.

"For me? Do you know who it was?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I took it from him.

"She said to keep it anonymous."

"Yeah but what did she look like?"

"She was a young girl with dark black hair and green eyes." He answered.

"Okay, thank you."

"Anytime." With that, I walked away into the elevator and down the familiar hallways until I had reached my room. Thankfully next door sounded peaceful and it was just the sound of my footsteps. I sat on my bed and opened the letter. I didn't know anyone with black hair and green eyes so I was dying to know what it had said.

I ripped the envelope open and unfolded the paper. I never usually hold my mouth in shock when something happens but this time it was my first reaction when I saw what it had said.

They hate me.

To be continued...

A/N: Two chapters in a day! Y'all better love me hehe. Also, I did say I would make it up to you guys so here you go. 😁😊

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