6. Stalked, and cards against humanity

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A couple of minutes had passed by and I was trying to do everything but think about life's problems; I was also still in a Shawn's arms. Why? Because we are friends. Gotta love this dude for his friendzoning skills.

Shawn was on his phone probably scrolling through twitter and I was just staring at the TV watching some dude trying to sell me something that apparently makes you lose weight in two days. Who the actual fuck actually buys this shit? Excuse my French but seriously! Better yet, who watches TV anymore? My nan? Probably if she weren't dead.

"Oh shit." Shawn cursed out of no where, making me jump slightly.


"Look." He said then turned his phone around to show me whatever was on there.

" He said then turned his phone around to show me whatever was on there

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(I know it's Camila but let's pretend it's Destiny ;))

I thought for a while before it hit me.

"Holy mother of Shawn's guitars and high notes on the day I came to your performance, you're only nineteen?" I raised my voice. "I thought you were- I don't know older or something. Here's someone the same age as me with an outrageous amount of success next to someone who works in a fast food place. I feel embarrassed." I said and I kid you not there was a flash outside but I imagine half of my life so I'm not surprised if it was just in my imagination.

"Who the hell took that?" I asked. The picture was of me and Shawn talking at the steakhouse.

"Paparazzi or some stalker fan I suppose." His tone changed into a more focused tone as he stared back at his phone with furrowed brows. "God, it's all over Twitter and they think you're my girlfriend." He ran a hand though his hair.

"Well, it's not true so it's not that much of a big deal." I shrugged.

"That's not the problem though. The problem is that they could hurt you and I don't want that."

"I'll be fine, okay? You can't even see my face in it plus, they don't seem that aggressive."

"They aren't but you can never be too careful and trust me, they will do anything just to see who it is."

"Wow, okay."

He sighed then basically threw his phone beside him, "I'm bored, let's do something."

"Something?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be right back." And with that Shawn walked away and out of the hotel room. This was probably and excuse so that he could leave this problematic girl behind. He did leave the door cracked open though.... ehh, he probably didn't close it properly. I don't blame him. I guess I'm never going to see him again. Oh my, just thinking about not seeing this boy again does something to me and I'm not sure I like it. What am I going to do when my time here is over or he has to leave? My thoughts were interrupted by Shawn walking in with a board game which seemed like Cards Against Humanity.

"Oh, so now you want to test my humour, huh?" I crossed my arms at him as a smirk crept onto his face.

"I already know it's bad. I'm just bored don't worry." Shawn chuckled.

"Shut up, we both know I'm funnier. How are we even going to play the game with two people?" I asked.

"You're just going to have to admit that I'm funnier and then I'll take a point or vice versa which I doubt would happen." He explained then placed the box on the floor and motioned for me to sit down. I did as told and went over to him.

Shawn gave me my stack and shuffled the cards all around to set them up. When they were all ready, we then started to play.

"First one, maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's..." I read out.

"Got one!" Shawn yelled.

"Okay, okay, read it then."

"Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's being a motherfucking sorcerer." He grinned.

"Ha, ha, ha." I gave him a sarcastic clap then read out mine: "Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's penis breath." I could tell he was holding in his laughter but after a couple of seconds, he chocked on his saliva and laughed out loud. It was clear I had won.

"During sex, I like to think about pooping in a laptop and closing it." Shawn giggled at mine.

"Well, you sure do have a problem if you do that because during sex I like to think about a windmill full of corpses."

I brushed my hair out of my face and admitted he had won.


Minutes had passed and it honestly felt like seconds. This boy was so much fun and so.... hot. He kept biting his lips, looked at me then licked them again. I couldn't help but go red.

"I get turned on by girls with curly hair and a British accent." He 'read.' Okay I'm sorry but there's no way that was an actual card.

I gave him a confused look then decided to play along.

"I get turned on by no one because no one is good enough for me."

I pulled out another card and acted like I read it.

"I'm not easy, step up your game."

He smirked then answered 'reading' out the card. "Says the girl who admitted she loved me."

"At least I don't friendzone people then come back to them hours later to talk about what turns them on." I gave him a sly smile looking up from the card in my hand.

He lowered his voice not bothering to pick another one up, "what do you want to talk about then?"

"How you think you're sexy by lowering your voice?" Okay, I felt bad for him but it was funny how he looked down embarrassed. "I'm just messing with you, Shawn." I laughed.

"Haha, so you think I'm sexy?"

"I don't know, do I? You're okay I guess."

"I'm not leaving until you make that a yes."

"Is that a threat, Mendes?" I gulped.

"It will be if you don't come here right now." Wowie, raspy voice my body does not know how to react.

"Uhm. And if I don't?"

"Then you're missing out."

At this point I didn't have anything left to say but I did realise that we were now 10x closer to each other than before without even realising it. I looked down at his lips and subconsciously licked mine. He rested his forehead against mine as I played with his long curls, that were dangling down at the back of his head. Shawn's arms were around my waist which made it slightly awkward since we were sitting down.

I leaned in and closed my eyes wanting his dry lips on mine only to kiss air instead. Shawn looked down and I raised an eyebrow at him until he explained. "Listen, I can't do this. I'm sorry." And walked out of the room leaving me alone.

What did I do?

To be continued...

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