7. Fight

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It has been at least a week if not more since I last talked to Destiny. We either went out at different times or just didn't see each other; we didn't have each other's phone numbers so there was no other way to contact. She didn't knock on my door and I didn't either. It was as if I was avoiding her without even realising it.

Thinking about it now, the last time I talked to her was in her room and we almost kissed except I pulled away and yes, I have many reasons for doing so.

"Amy, that's enough." I yelled over the booming music.

"Well, it's time to change that!" She handed me a shot, even though I had already had about five or six; I lost count.

I downed it wincing slightly at it burning in my throat. I definitely didn't agree to this at first since I wasn't even legal to drink. Amy thought it was a good idea to get me in with a fake ID but it's not everyday you get to forget your problems and goof around so I decided to be a bit of rebel today.

"Come on!" Amy shouted as she grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor. I started dancing along and became the version of myself that I don't usually get to be.

"Yes girl, dance!" She giggled.

We were both right next to each other dancing and pushing away the drunk guys as they offered to buy us drinks but I got her to promise me to not accept any and to just enjoy the night with me. Too bad she soon forgot about that promise and left me on my own.

I didn't mind being alone but I was starting to get tired so I made my way to the chairs. I know, I'm so boring... Maybe I should have fun. Maybe I am missing out like Amy said.

With a sigh, I turned back around to get more shots and drank so much that the last thing I remember is someone tugging my arm and saying, "gorgeous, what are you doing alone?"

I fitted into a button up shirt and black jeans, touched up my hair and grabbed my black shades on the way out. Andrew (my manager) and I were going to go for a walk down the street of our hotel to see what New York had to offer and to just simply look around and hope something inspires me for songs. It was pretty dark outside but that's when there weren't usually many fans around to queue up on us.


"It's nice getting out for once with you and it not having to be heavily be because of work." I said as I waved to some fans across the street. They were freaking out and I couldn't help but grin. Of course we were going to be stopped and I didn't mind it much but sometimes I just wanted some time where I could walk out of the hotel without having hundreds of girls screaming at me.

"It truly is but it's sad we can't do much." Andrew frowned.

"Gotta make the most of it. How about we go to that sketchy looking cafe near the club down there?" I suggested pointing at it.


I ordered a coffee with a donut (the only thing that looked good) and Andrew ordered whatever he was in the mood for. This cafe was definitely weird and not a cafe you'd usually get food from but going to somewhere like Starbucks would only get crowded and leave us no time together; sometimes we had to go for the cafe on the sketchy street option.

We sat by the window and looked outside to see teenagers drunk and laughing. Sometimes I wished for a normal life but I reminded myself that I was lucky for everything that I had. Either way, I wasn't legal to drink in America so it's not a problem.

"Shawn? Shawn! Get off that goddamn phone and look! Isn't that Destiny?" Andrew snatched the phone out my hand making me jump slightly and I immediately put my attention to outside. My eyes skimmed the drunk girls until they landed on what looked like Destiny trying to get some man off her but failing.

"Holy shit." Was all I could say before jerking up from my seat, so quickly it falls and slams against the wooden floor. I sprinted towards her and I saw the man slam her against the brick wall making my heart ache but just as he forcefully leaned in to kiss her, I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pushed him away.

"What the fuck dude!" He slurred pushing me back slightly.

"She's with me." I put an arm around her. She was definitely drunk since she immediately flopped onto me, weak. I wasn't looking for a fight unless he decides to throw hands or touch her. In that case, I would have no option but to fight back.

"Shawn." Was all Destiny said and was all she needed to say for me to know. The tone in her voice sounded hurt making me boil with anger. What did he do to her?

"Shawn, huh? Shaun the sheep? Who the fuck are you to come and j-just interrupt people's life like that, huh? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" He pushed me against the wall and started punching me repeatedly until I decided to punch back until he was on the ground. He wasn't hurt and neither was I apart from my eye feeling numb and probably swollen. He tried to get up but he wasn't strong enough so I lifted up Destiny and helped her get to her feet before he could. I then searched for Andrew.

Andrew turned out to be distracting fans a couple of feet away but when they saw me, the girls started screaming. Now was really not the time to sign and take pictures so I just gestured Andrew to follow me and told the fans that I really had to go. Some of course didn't like that and started swearing at me but the majority were respectful. Some even asked who Destiny was and took pictures of us but that wasn't something to worry about right now.


Once we were back at the hotel, Andrew had left so it was just me and the angel in my arms. I hated seeing her like that. She wasn't even legal to drink here. I never knew she'd do something like that.

"Oh my gooood. Sh-Shawn wait, your buttons." Destiny said stretching out the 'o' and faced me just as I was about to open my door. She stopped me and gave me a weak smile as she did up the top three buttons of my shirt and when she did them up, she stepped back with a "done" but almost fell due to losing her balance. I put my hand back around her hips and took her inside. I didn't know where her keycard was so I just took her in my room. She was adorable yet it pained me to see her like this. Have I said that yet?

I gently placed her on my bed and took her shoes off, placing them beside her. I'm going to be sleeping on the couch tonight.

"Daddy, I feel like I'm going to be sick." She frowned like a child making me question.

"D-dad? Uhm. Wait." I ran out, to the kitchen and found something she could use to be sick in only to come back in and see it was too late and she had vomited allover the bed.

"I wanna sleep." She did sound very tired.

"Don't worry." There was no point in saying much: she was drunk so I had to do more than say. I picked her up bridal style and took her to the spare bed Andrew sometimes slept in whenever we had to get up early in the morning for something together. Hopefully he wasn't coming tonight.

After I made sure she was comfy and under the covers, she fell asleep within a minute and I couldn't help but leave a small kiss on her head and leave with a "goodnight, angel."

Now it was time to clean up the other room. Good job all you had to do was call housekeeping and they'd to it for you.

I ran a hand through my hair and crashed onto the couch, sighing.

What a long day.

To be continued...

A/N: Bet y'all weren't expecting that! How'd you like this one? Make sure you tell me your opinions and tell me how you found this story. Homegirl be curious over here!! <3

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