14. Date night

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I looked to Shawn to see him looking for food but noticed him avoiding everything that included tomatoes.

"You don't like tomatoes?" I questioned as he turned to me with a puzzled expression.

"I don't like what again?" He grinned.

"Tomatoes." I repeated with a blank expression as he broke out into laughter. I smacked his shoulder to stop him. "What?"

"This right here is why I love British people so much!" Shawn said in between laughs almost choking.

"I'm sorry. Maybe you should find someone your type then, you Canadian ass." I sassed then walked away to the rest of the guys with my plate of food. This was definitely a big boat.

I looked around for somewhere to sit until my eyes caught Clio waving me over to sit with her. "What took you so long in there?" She smirked with a wink.

"Oh my god Clio he's such a dick!" I sighed as Clio began giggling.

"Why? He's definitely a keeper." She said as she stole a chip from me. "You're lucky to have that sort of relationship with him."

"He's taking the mick out of my accent." I groaned.

"Aren't you two the cutest." She cooed.

"Ugh, Cliooo." I moaned, frustrated. Our heads shot to the arch to see Shawn on the phone with a smile. After a few 'thank you's' and 'goodbyes', he ended the call.

"The two girls have been dealt with." He came over and sat down, putting an arm around me as Clio gave a confused look, due to what he just said.

"What girls?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Long story short, some crazy fans decided to threaten us." I explained.

"Those aren't fans. Those are psychos." Shawn corrected.

"Wait, how? Are you guys okay?" Clio asked as her face filled with concern.

"Yeah don't worry." Shawn reassured as I nodded in agreement. He then whispered in my ear, causing me to get chills. "Apparently that blonde chick was also part of the whole thing."

"The Cherri girl?" I whispered back.

"Mhm." He hummed then dug into his food before Andrew called out to him.

"Come here, you underaged giant." Andrew said, holding a shot of tequila as Shawn walked up to him.

"I can't drink that."

"Stop being a wimp. You've got parental guidance from us." Andrew laughed. "It's your birthday, be happy."

"Okay." He simply shrugged and downed the drink as everyone cheered. "Want some, Destiny?"

"I'll pass but thank you." Not after what happened last time.

Shawn then walked back to me and put his arms around me as the boat ride came to an end and everyone piled out. For the rest of the night we all explored the city and went bike riding. It was by far one of my favourite nights. I finally got more names in my contacts (including Shawn's) and laughed along, enjoying every moment. Me and Shawn bonded more than ever and he didn't leave my side, not even once. He was such a goofball and made my heart flutter each and every time he came close to me. The only sad part is that it has to come to an end.

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