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"MOVE STUPID GIRL!" someone said. I didn't even care or bother to look up to see who it was, I just walked away fast. It was my last day at this hell hole and I'm glad. This was going to be the last time I get pushed and hit at for being a nerd. 

No one knew that I was moving today. Not that they would care or even take  out the time to know. They thought they were going to see me the next week. But they're not. THANK GOD! I just want to forget everything and start again. I'm not going to be the school's punching bag and push around  anymore, and I'm glad. 

My flight's tomorrow and I can't wait. The bell rang about 5 minutes ago, and now I'm heading home. Which isn't really a home anymore considering it's only boxes and luggages. My room is empty now. 

When school was over I went home
 I unlocked the front door to see my brother home. He quit his job 2 days ago and was helping my mom pack up. The reason he didn't quit soon was because we may need some extra money on the way to London.

I told him about my day and he said
"Good. Are you done packing up?" he asked while putting some pillows in a box.

"Yeah! All done. Where's mom at?" I asked. 

"Upstairs, cleaning up." he said. 

I said "okay I'll go to sleep then"


Good morning mom bro!" I said cheerfully, excited about the move. 

"Hey sis. Our flight's at 11 and it's already 9 Lets go!" my brother said, running out the door. He drove us to the airport and I couldn't help but look at the window and look at the place I had grown up in. I'm going to miss this place. And believe it or not. I will miss the people that bullied me. Call me crazy, but they were part of my life. They always will be. I'll miss Josh. Even though, he never liked me. One day, I'll come back here with a different personality. They won't even recognize me. I promise that I'll get my revenge.

We arrived at the airport and after waiting for at least two hours, it was time to go. We sat on the cormftable seats in the first class section. I sat in between my brother and mom. 

"I promise and now I'll deliver." I whispered to myself and I was headed off to my new place to start. 

And I always get what I want I'll make them pay one day.

REVENGE NERD (Complete) 2019Where stories live. Discover now