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~later on that day~

After the kiss things have been awkward I haven't said much in class like I have been the past few days. I have seen Josh looking at me for a few seconds then he would turn his attention back to the teacher.

I really didn't want talk because that would make things more awkward than it is. I'm glad this wasn't my first kiss because if it was i was going to kill him i'm not playing either.

But I kinda like the kiss it wasn't better than the first but it was amazing.

I had to tell Jess about the kiss she would fuss at me about him. But i really didn't care i just had to let it out and tell somebody anybody.

I was to lost in my thoughts to not notice that the teacher was calling my name "MADISON".
i answered her a little embarrassed "U-U-um Yes".  she started to look at me then she sighs "I decide to let anyone that wanted to change there partner since you didn't want your current partner there's other people you can partner up with. 

I turned around scanning all around the room in search for a decent looking partner in general i found a decent looking boy with green eyes

As i walk over to him i see him talking to a group of boys they were cute too but he was the handsome one out of them all. He was light brown the other guys was in between so they had to be mixed with other than african  american' As i stood there i cleared my throat for him to notice my prescene. I started off by saying confident "Hey i was wondering if we could be partners if that's okay with you".

They then begin to all laugh at my request that really pisses me off what's so funny. I clearly didn't see what was so funny they are laughing at me like i'm a comedian or something. I was so fed up by them i just walked away it didn't take me much time to quickly scan back across the room for anyone. I saw a girl quietly sitting at the back on her phone she didn't look like she had a partner so hurry over there and sat in the chair and said "Fine be like that then".  "Hey do you want to be partners i understand if you don't want to be partners".

She looked up and said with a big smile on her face "Sure i would love to be partners".

-At the end of school-

As i walked off campus ready to get in the mercedes i heard someone calling my name as i turned around i see the boy who i wanted to partner with in stead of listening to him i kept walking until i feel myself being held back by his arm.

I turned around his eyes staring in my eyes i'm staring in his eyes i turn i break the moment by saying harshly "What do you want"

"I wanted to say that i'm sorry about what happen early and i would love to be you partner if it's not to late".

"Well i have a partner but it's not like we can't hang out or be in other projects together" i said with a smile.

After that we exchange number's it would be awkward between us not only josh but him too.

REVENGE NERD (Complete) 2019Where stories live. Discover now