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As I got inside people started to whisper and look. All eyes were on me and I was proud of it. When I was just the plain old smart nerd with baggy clothes and no friends I didn't get much attention. I was going to take advantage of this attention. Even if that means getting close to the popular to get revenge. I was going to take the risk.

As i was still lost in thoughts I heard somebody call me "NEW GIRL" I responded simple "What" people started to come up to me asking to hang out with me. I wasn't going to friend them why talk to me now and not back then some people dont change. One girl started to say this is fashion  GOALS right here. I didnt understand what she meant but I just walked off from everybody.

I walked around the crowd and continued walking to the office. I made it there in less than a second, since I knew my way around this campus. Unlike the other students here, I had to get my schedule from the office. The other students probably got there's by mail or something else. I was greeted by a cute secretary who looked delighted to see me. 

"Hi! How can I help you, sweetie?" she asked in a nice, welcoming tone with a  smile. 

"Oh, I'm here to get my schedule. Um, I'm new here. I'm Madison Wassim OH and if it says wilson thats my other last name." I said, offering her a warm smile as well. Her face turned more brighter if that was even possible. I guess this school never gets any new nice students anymore. 

After a few mintues she found my schedule. After I got my schedule she asked me "Do you need a tour around here just in case your lost" I told her "No". She gave me a warm smile and told me to have a good day.

1. AP Biology

2. AP U.S. History


3. AP English

4. Calculus 


5. Band

6. Dance

7. Physical Education 

My favorite would have to be history because of my ancestors. They created everything for us today to be able to do anything we want and become anything. because well, my mom did teach me all about the history. I loved history even when I was little I still knowed much about history. It was just an escape for me.

I better go to my locker since I'm now getting started here and all.

I was walking to my locker when suddenly, "Hey, need help getting to your classroom?" a guy with a flirty husky asked. I looked up from my schedule and saw none other than Joshua wearing a flirty smirk. 

I stopped myself from laughing. I bet this guy still was such a player. "Do I know you?" was my great comeback to his ridiculous attempt of flirting. 

"You may not you may do. That hurts, we just met yesterday and you already forgot about me? Well let me refresh that pretty little mind of yours for a minute. We saw each other at the carnival yesterday you ran. And we were about to go to my place to have some fun." he said with a wink at the end, still wearing his smirk. And Have some fun? The only fun I'll be having is kicking him in the balls right now. 

REVENGE NERD (Complete) 2019Where stories live. Discover now