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Here I was back in the same postion i was back at the carnival. I feel like he would try anything to get with me. But do I have to put up with his sexually act to get revenge. No but keep your friends close and keep your enemies close. I guess I got to deal with it. I guess I could talk to him and get it all over with.

Do I even know you. by the looks if it your popular you have girls so why try to talk to me. We all know your little game you play get sexually involved with girls and kick them to the curb. So yeah I don't know you and u don't want to. I said sarcastically with a smirk on my face

"Of course you do, baby. That hurts, we met at the carnival and you already forgot about me? Well let me refresh that pretty little mind of yours for a minute. We saw each other at the carnival yesterday. And we were about to go to my place to have some fun." he said with a wink at the end, still wearing his smirk. Then you ran looks like you do running a lot. You ranned I chased until you ended up leaving.

Did he think I was slow he was seriously trying to force me to go with him. He's luckily I didn't mention his name to dad if I would have that would have messed up my plan and the cops would have gotten involved even more.

"Of course I remember you. You were the stupid lowlife bastard that tried to convince me to go to his house. It's not everyday you get approached by a fuc**** pervert. And I didn't even consider or volunteer myself to go to your house, okay?" I said, trying my best to keep control and to stay calm. I know people would hear a little bit of our conversation but I didn't care.

I turned around and I saw them stupid fuckboys standing behind me and the slutty girls looking at me.

I looked at the girls and there was this awkward silence so I just looked at every single last one of them them I just back away slowly.

You know when two people are about to fight and a full crowd of people are surrounding them. Instead of fighting they was worshiping me like a god. I hated that kind of attention because anything possible can happen at any time.

Well this is what this feels like right now. The girls and the f boys looked at me and they took they took there phones out and started to record us. I heard one girl say "new rich girl turned down the one and only Josh the basketball catapin of this school".

I started to ignore the comments that are being said. As I try to make my way people started to try to talk me. They also was pushing as I moved further people try to talk to me even those slutty girls I said in a harsh loudly tone "MOVE OUT THE WAY" instead of them moving they was still in the way.

Me I Didn't care if I got pushed so I kept on walking. Then all of a sudden I see the head cheerleader  walking up to us

I just rolled my eyes and waited for her slutty butt to come over here. "Hey back off" she screamed with her annoying high pitched voice. Which i think my ears bleeded.

"New girl come with me" she said which surprise me. Was she going to try to lock me In the basement. So many thoughts ran in my head u swear I was close to having a headache. Was I this popular for her to want to see me.

REVENGE NERD (Complete) 2019Where stories live. Discover now