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After my little introduction to the whole classroom people started to look at me with a shock face even josh. I was somewhat glad that I got it out of my system. I heard one of the students on the other side of the classroom say " Over these past 2 years she have became hot". it really didn't faze me people wanted to talk now but when I use to wear baggy clothes and glasses they would not even look my way. I didn't care anymore as long as I get payback I would make sure these people don't bully anybody else.

all of a sudden josh stands up and says "W-w-wait you changed your looks and style your the nerd we use to bully. that's not possible she disappeared. he stuttered barely getting his words out. the look is just priceless.

well I'm back from the dead haha I said while laughing I said "well that was my little back from the dead introduction. I see some things didn't change a bit". josh and other people was still looking at me with sympathy look on there face. I thought to myself "they don't even need my little introduction. I'm too good to even stoop that low to even talk to people that act like that.

The teacher got on with the class I was starting to like this class so far from me being here a few mintues. Considering this is my first time ever being back in here. until she called me and josh to pair up to become partners. "Madison and josh " tiffany and Daniel" Susie and Clarence". as soon as I heard my name been called with josh I was sick to my stomach. and I said "what cant I have another partner and josh butted in "yeah cant I have another partner Uh-uhh ". "Not that I don't want to partner with her I mean we don't get along very well so I was wondering maybe we can switch. as I let his words sink in the back of my head thoughts came into my head I wondering "did he not want me as a partner" but to be honest I was glad he didn't want to partner up with me less drama and more study.

the teacher  said and i quote "You cant leave and switch up partners because I said so and you will have to put whatever behind us and work like adults:". When class was over I went outside as I tried to walk away somebody held my wrist. as I look up I see the one and only the one person in the world that I hate josh. I said angrily while pulling my wrist away hard "Move what the hell you want don't you understand leave me alone. he said with a sad look on his face "Where do you want to meet up" I said "the café by the mall" bluntly I really don't consider meeting up with him I should have decide to just do the work by myself. that would be more easy. Snapping me out of my thoughts he say "Deal partner" with a uncomfortable smile. I replied back by saying "deal partner"

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