Chapter 8

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Kye's POV


As Dad was lecturing an upside down Naruto, I noticed he let his guard down. At that moment, I flung a bunch of Shuriken at him. Apparently Sasuke seen too, because he also threw his Shuriken.

When they hit, instead of a man with Shuriken lodged in his face, I saw a sliced up log.

"Dammit, substitution... and now he knows my location!"

I quickly jumped from behind the shrubs and started to run to a different hiding spot.

"Wait... the point of this exercise is teamwork... I should go help Naruto and the others."

Instead of running to hide someplace else, I went towards Naruto.

"Kye! Let me down!" NAruto yelled squirming.

I threw a Kunai at the rope fraying it. As Naruto continued to squirm, the fraying grew into a break and he came tumbling down.

"Thanks! Now I'm gonna get one of those stupid bells!" Naruto said.

"Wait we should work together, the two of us together could take Dad down." I suggested.

But Naruto has already started running away in search of Dad.


Suddenly I heard a loud scream coming from the forest.

"That sounded like Sakura! Dad must have gotten her."

I sprinted towards the direction of the scream, so I could potentially find dad.

I found my way into a small opening in the forest, but I stopped right before I exited the trees.

Instead of finding the bell keeper, I saw a Pink Banshee lying on the ground completely out of it.

I rushed towards her.

"Genjutsu... Sakura should have known how to prevent getting caught in it... it was probably something that had to do with the Duckbutt..."

I released the jutsu and went on my way, I didn't wanna be there when she woke up. 

A/N Hey guys, sorry for the super short chapter... Just to let you know, the book will be on hiatus for this week. I'm sorry! I'll get back to updating regularly next week! Until then! 

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