Chapter 11

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Mr. Kakashi showed me around his apartment. While he was giving the tour, he was also frantically picking up clothes and books that were scattered about.

"Ok, so this is the second bedroom... sorry it's so small, and it doesn't have much furniture- "He said.

"I've never had my very own bedroom!" I interrupted him excitedly.

I jumped onto the bed and giggled. I always slept on the floor at my old house.

"Wow! A mirror!" I ran over to the dresser which had a mirror above it.

When I looked at my reflection, I almost startled myself. I had gotten taller over just a few months.

I turned to Mr. Kakashi and gratefully thanked him.

"You're welcome Kye, it's the least I could do. Besides, you're family... apparently"

When we walked into the kitchen, there were a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink. Clearly embarrassed, Mr. Kakashi suggested going to get something eat. I agreed, and he picked me up in the piggy back position and we headed out.

"Ok so... what do you want? There is a good Sushi place over there." He pointed towards a small corner shop.

"I've never had Sushi in a restaurant before." I said quietly.

"Really!? Well I'm going to fix that." He said in a surprised voice.

The Sushi that night was delicious, and I decided that it was my favorite food.

-End of flashback-


I woke up all of a sudden, and sprinted towards the noise.

The commotion came from the kitchen, so I went there. I walked in to see a broken pot on the floor, and a flustered Dad attempting to clean it up.

Dad... I thought we both agreed that you weren't allowed to cook..." I sighed and scratched my back.

"Oh... well I just wanted to try to make a good breakfast for us..." He replied sheepishly.

I grabbed a broom and walked over to him. I bent over and started sweeping.

"Thanks, but I think you'd just burn the house down if you tried something like that..." I replied.

He just nodded, and once we finished cleaning the mess up, I suggested going out to get breakfast.

-Time Skip-

After eating a filling breakfast, Dad and I made our way towards the Hokage's office.

In order to get a mission, the Hokage has to directly assign the mission himself. I hoped that we would get a more challenging mission today, because all of the so-called "missions" we have gotten are really lame, like finding a lost pet.

We met up with Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke on the way there, and entered the office. I immediately saw the Third Hokage, and Iruka-sensei, both sitting at a table surrounded by scrolls.

"Ah, Team Kakashi... I just found a new mission for you, one of the villagers needs help with weeding her garden, and-" Lord Third greeted us.

"NO NO NO! I want a REAL mission! Not these lame chores!" Naruto interrupted.

"Won't he ever shut up?!!? He shouldn't speak to the Hokage like that! He is right though... these recent mission have been pretty boring."


Not wanting to deal with any of this, I dived into my book. Iruka-sensei explained the ranking process of missions, and that new Genin only take D rank.

"Ok Naruto... if you want a more important mission, I have just the one for you." The Hokage sighed.

"AWESOME! What is it!?!" Naruto asked excitedly.

"You will be escorting a bridge builder back to his home village, the Land of Waves." Iruka-sensei explained.

Escorting duty was better than weeding gardens, so I put my book down and attempted to pay attention. I could clearly tell that Sasuke was intrigued too. Sakura was just staring at Sasuke with a stupid expression on her face, as usual.

"Oooh! Why is he going there!?" Naruto questioned.

"Probably because it's his home village Naruto... Pay attention." I said.

When Iruka-sensei finished explaining the details of the mission, a door behind us opened to reveal a scruffy, older man. His face was very flushed, and he was holding a bottle of what I assumed was Sake. He looked us down with. Very disapproving look.

"What? Are these snot-nosed brats going to be protecting me? Who's the spiked-haired imp?" The man grumbled.

We were all standing in a neat line when he said that, and we looked at each other's height, me being the tallest, then Sakura, then Sasuke, and then the spikey-haired imp, Naruto.

"Hey!!" Naruto yelled in outrage, and ran towards the old man.

Dad grabbed Naruto's head and lifted him up. "Naruto, you're supposed to protect the client, not attack him..." He said in a tired voice.

"This is gonna be fun..." 

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