Chapter 12

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-Time Skip-

"Oh no... I'm late again"

This was our first real mission, and I was already late. I strolled down the street, with a stick of chocolate covered Pocky in my mouth. I finally came to the front gate, only to see Forehead glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

"So you finally decided to show up! And your excuse?" Sakura leered.

I showed a box of Pocky.

"I ran out... can't live without this stuff." I replied unrelentingly.

"Well now that Kye's here, we can finally leave!" Naruto said excitedly.

Like normal, Naruto was the only person who had any particular energy.

Dad re-adjusted, his backpack, and said, "Alright, let's get going, we don't wanna waste time."

As we walked, I kept looking around, making sure that no bandits would sneak up on us. When we were about an hour out, I noticed a large puddle of water right in the middle of the road.

"That's odd... it hasn't rained in weeks, and there isn't a natural water source near here."

I flashed a look at Dad, and I could tell that he noticed too, because he made a small hand gesture for me to move in front of him. As I was slowly walking in front of him, there was a flash of movement, and two odd-looking ninjas appeared out of the puddle.

When I turned around, I noticed that they had giant claw-things that ere connected by a scary looking chain. Although they weren't exactly silent in their movements, they didn't speak at all.

Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and immediately stepped in front of Tazuna, the bridge builder, in a defensive position. The ninjas suddenly attacked Dad and wrapped the chain around him.

He gasped and they wrenched the chain in opposite directions, tearing Dad into pieces.

"Sensei!!!!" Sakura and Naruto screamed.

"He's fine, they couldn't take him out that easily... I need to focus on protecting the bridge builder."

I looked at Sasuke and hoped to send a mental message. He seemed to get the memo. Thinking they were finished with Dad, the ninjas then came for us. I made a few quick handsigns.

-Earth style: Mud Wave!-

While the enemy was distracted by the unbalanced earth, I jumped up on top of one of the claw things. I sent a shuriken through the chain and pined it to a tree. Sasuke, followed along and threw a Kunai knife into the shuriken giving the anchor an extra strength.

Although they were both pined down, they still had room to attack. One of the claw-men flew towards a frightened Naruto and sliced his hand while the other aimed for Sakura and Tazuna. I ran towards Naruto, and Sasuke ran in front of Sakura.

Just as I thought we were going to get injured, Dad appeared and put both ninjas into a headlock, knocking them out.

"Sensei! You're ok!" Sakura exclaimed.

"I'm fine." He stated.

"Yeah, it would take a lot more than that to take down my Dad." I said.

"Sorry I didn't jump in right away Kye, great job on pining the enemy down. Also Sasuke and Sakura good job defending the bridge builder And Naruto... sorry I didn't help, I just didn't expect you to freeze up like that." Dad commented.

Although Naruto didn't seem too injured, he was still just staring at the ground.

"Naruto you better get the poison out of that wound, because these ninjas definitely had some on the claw-things."

"Naruto, are you alright? Scardy-Cat!?!" Sasuke jeered.

"Hey! Leave Naruto alone!" I snapped.

I looked at Naruto and saw him trembling.

"Oh no... did that childish name calling really hurt his feelings?"

I was just about to ask if he was ok, when he suddenly yelled, and sent a kunai into his wounded hand. Everyone gasped, even I was surprised.

"On this Kunai, I vow you protect you Mr. Tazuna! I'm not useless! I will get you back to your village unharmed!" Naruto stated in a determined voice.

I personally thought that was pretty brave of him, but also it was stupid to stab himself again, because he'll just lose more blood.

"Ok... its great you're motivated Naruto, but if we don't stop the bleeding in your hand, you're going to die." Dad said in a matter of fact voice.

As Naruto started freaking out, Dad took his hand and started wrapping it in a bandage.

"Alright, now that that's over, Tazuna, I think you need to explain some things to us." Dad stated seriously. 

Tazuna's face became paler, and his eyes drifted towards the ground. 

"Oh yeah... he has definitely been hiding something." 

A/N Hey guys! Sorry if this was a bit late! Also I apologize if my writing quality has gone down, I promise I'll step up my game! Plus to post regularly! :) 

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