Chapter 35

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Kye's POV

Moonlight streamed through the small hole of our enclosure and fell onto my face. A sound similar to someone dropping marbles on tile ushered from the ceiling. Squinting, I sat up and turned to see Dad snoring next to me.

He didn't have a shirt on, but his chest was completely wrapped in bandages. Grimacing, I looked at my own chest and arms to see a similar configuration of bandages.

"Sheesh, Zabuza really tore us to shreds..."

I glanced at the wall of our make-shift shelter to see the massive knife shaped sword leaning against it.

We had stopped on our way back home from the land of waves because of a rain storm.

I thought back to what had happened, not 24 hours ago.


The horde of rogue ninjas swarmed around Zabuza and repeatedly stabbed him.

He finally flopped to the ground in a pool of blood.

The horde then turned towards us, and started shuffling forward.

Groaning I stood up and attempted to harness my chakra, but to no avail.

"Crap, I've used up all of it..."

Behind me, Sakura yelled,

"SASUKE!! You're alive!"

I swung my head around to see Sasuke slowly sit up.

"Thank goodness... I knew he would pull through... but he's in no shape to help us..."

I glanced towards Dad to attempt to telepathically communicate.

He didn't notice me, but I could tell he was frantically trying to come up with a plan.

Naruto then butted in and surprisingly, he managed to create about a dozen shadow clones.

"Ahh that's clever! If we were to use our chakra for anything, it should be something like clones."

Dad seemed to have the same thought and about twenty Dads appeared.

The army sprinted towards us, and was temporarily blocked by a collection of shadow clones.

While the clones held them off for a short time, the ninjas were too overpowering.

"I need to do something..."

I gathered all the chakra I had left in me, and I formed some hand signs.

-LIGHTING STYLE: Silver lighting-

But before I could even complete the jutsu, I felt my body give way, and I passed out.

I woke up to have Dad, leaning over me. Lying on my back, I could feel the cold bricks the bridge was made of.

The army was nowhere to be seen, but there was still a horde of the townspeople carrying pitchforks and shovels.

"What happened?" I groaned as I tried to sit up.

"Don't push yourself. You used too much chakra." Dad replied.

"Wait, what happened to the army?" I pressed.

"The townspeople came and scared them off." He answered.

"Oh that's good."

I managed to get to my feet with some help from Dad. As I scanned my surroundings more, I saw Zabuza lying next to the body of Haku. Naruto was crouching next to him, and appeared to be having a conversation.

"Is Zabuza..." I implied a question.

"No he's still conscious, but he doesn't have long." Dad replied.

I hobbled my way over to Naruto and Zabuza. When I approached them, Zabuza glanced towards me and said in a croaky voice,

"What's your name kid, I don't think I got it?" He asked.

I looked at Dad, and he nodded in approval.

"Kye." I answered.

"Alright, Kye. Sorry for breaking your sword. I noticed the handle was very worn, so I assume it was special?" He said slowly.

"Well, yes it was my older brother's" I replied.

"I want you to have Kubikiribōchō. That's the name of the sword that I used." Zabuza croaked.

"Wait, but isn't that one of the seven swords of the mist?? I'm a leaf ninja I don't think-" I started.

Dad put a hand on my shoulder, to interrupt me signaling it was ok for me to accept.

I attempted to bow, and I thanked him for the gift.

"Kakashi, thank you for the battle, it was an honor to fight you." Zabuza addressed Dad.

"I only wish it was on more friendly of terms." Dad replied.

Suddenly, it started snowing.

"It's snowing!" Naruto exclaimed.

"My only wish... is to go the the same place as him." Zabuza muttered and finally left this world.


As I stared at the sword, I thought how difficult it was going to be to use. A shortie like me was going to have a hard time swinging a blade almost as tall as her.

"I'll practice carrying it for now, and then I'll train."

I carefully stood up, not to disturb Dad, and walked over to my bag. I dug around to find Ryu's sword handle.

The blade itself was broken to the point where it was as short as a tanto.

"I can probably still use this, the blade is only shorter."

The memories that were intertwined with the blade were too strong to just throw away.

A rustle behind me indicated that someone was waking up.

Naruto was drooling in the middle of the space, while sasuke was in the corner.

The night before, I could see Sakura periodically scoot towards Sasuke... figures.

When I turned, I saw that the rustling was actually Tai, one of my raccoon dogs.

I had summoned them, so they could keep a semi-guard over our resting spot.

I had a total of seven dogs, four of them male and the other three female.

Each had a name, and a unique personality.

Tai, probably has the biggest personality of the four males, but was obviously the smallest in stature.

Like most ninken, they could all speak, but Tai was the most talkative.

When I was naming him, I originally picked Titus, but he wanted it to sound like my name so we went with Tai. He's a stubborn guy.

Anyway, I saw Tai's bushy silver tail poke up from the pile of dogs.

I was still training them, so it was hard to make sure they stayed awake. But as we weren't dead, they did their job.

Tai sauntered over to me, and laid down in my lap. As I stroked his silky fur, I drifted into my own thoughts, and eventually fell back asleep. 

A/N Hey guys! Merry Christmas btw. Sorry about the Zabuza dialog, it was weird writing words that Zabuza wouldn't have ever said, but i had to get them across. xD 

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. 

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