Chapter 18

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It was my 11th birthday. Dad and I were walking in the forest, because he wanted to teach me some survival skills.

As I was inspecting an odd looking purple plant, I heard a rustle in the bushes.

I glanced towards Dad, who also noticed it, he slowly motioned for me to back away.

Suddenly the rustle turned into shaking, and out popped 7 little raccoon-dog pups.

"Awwww they're so cute!" I exclaimed and walked over to them.

"Wait Kye!" Dad pulled back my arm.

"Let's try to find their mother, they might be lost." He explained.

We searched around the area for a mother raccoon-dog, but we couldn't find her.

"They must have been abandoned... they are so young too..." I said quietly.

Dad didn't respond, but then started to pick the pups up.

"Well... why don't we give them a home. Besides, it's your birthday, keeping them is my present to you." Dad said with a closed-eye smile.

I could feel my eyes well up with tears as we walked home with the puppies in my arms.

-end of Flashback-

Kye's POV

I opened my eyes, but they were so clouded, attempting to see anything was futile. When I tried to sit up, I felt a stab of pain in my rib cage.

"Crap... broke some ribs..."

My eyes started to clear, only to see a giant dragon made a water towering above. If that wasn't worse, there was a second one.

"Kye! You're ok!" Naruto yelled in my face.

"Well, I would be, if my ear drums weren't ringing..." I said dryly.

I looked back towards to dragons, and could faintly see two people standing on the water. Soon realizing that one of those people was my father, I assumed the other was Zabuza.

"What happened?" I asked.

Naruto explained that I was knocked out by Zabuza, and was trapped in the water prison. Fortunately, Naruto has made a plan that utilized teamwork with Sasuke, and saved me and dad. Now dad is fighting Zabuza, and the dragons were a Jutsu.

"You should have seen it! It was crazy how many hand signs Zabuza was doing, and then Kakashi-sensei started copying them exactly!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Oh so he's using his Sharingan!" I stated.

The dragons suddenly splashed back into the lake. As if that splash wasn't enough, a pillar of water gushed towards Zabuza, and knocked him against a tree.

"What?!?! How did you do that??? Can you see the future?!?" Zabuza yelled frantically.

"Yes... and I see that this is the moment you die!" Dad said darkly.

Just as dad was about to stab Zabuza with a kunai, a bunch of tiny needles pierced through Zabuza's neck killing him.

"What the h*ll was that?!" I exclaimed.

Instantly, a short person, who I thought was a girl in an odd mask appeared and spoke to dad. Naruto ran towards them, and since I couldn't really move, I wasn't able to stop him.

I was too far away to hear them, so I told Sakura to help me up, which was a bad choice. As I tried to stand, immediately my head began to swim, and I staggered back down.

"Kye don't push yourself... you should rest." Sakura said.

"Uhg. I used too much chakra...I hate being useless." I winced.

I saw the girl pick up Zabuza, nod to dad, and disappear.

With the help of Saucey-Gay, Sakura managed to kind of pick me up and stagger towards Dad.

"Kye' your awake!" Dad exclaimed.

He started to take a step forwards, but gasped and fell on his face.

"Sensei!" Sakura and Naruto gasped.

"Dad!" I yelled.

I tried to run towards him, but forgot about Sasuke who was stabilizing me. He was holding onto me, so I didn't fall, but as I continued to squirm, I could tell he was getting more annoyed.

"Let go of me Duck-butt!" I screamed.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain near my neck, and was knocked out. 

A/N Hey guys, sorry for the bad writing this chap! Wrote this at like 2 in the morning... anyway, like I said, I've been super busy with summer plans, and haven't had a ton of time to write. I wanted to say that unfortunately I will be on hiatus from now until the beginning of August. I know! I'm sorry! Hope you guys still commit to reading, and I'll make sure to have plenty of long chapters in august! See you then! :D <3

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