Chapter 33

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"That idiot!" I about laughed my head off.

Dad had called him the number one Hyperactive Knuckled Brained Ninja, and he was right.

Although the situation was serious, I couldn't help myself but laugh. The others weren't so thrilled, most of the reaction was dead silence.

Naruto introduced himself in a very loud manner, and then got interrupted by a bunch of shuriken which were hurtling towards him.

Suddenly, the shurikens were deflected by a bunch of needles thrown by Haku.

"Why would he block Zabuza's own attack?"

"What is this?" Zabuza demanded.

"Zabuza, these kids... please let me fight them in my own way.." Haku pleaded.

"So you don't want me to interfere? Fine. You're as soft as always..." Zabuza complied and turned back towards Dad.

I watched as Naruto jumped in through the mirrors and plopped down right in front of Sasuke.

"NARUTO! YOU MORON! " was all I heard from a furious Sasuke.

-Time Skip-

After  a long exchange of blows, both Naruto and Sasuke were clearly getting tired, while the Haku kid was still perfectly fine.

I listened in on Dad's conversation with Zabuza.

"For a kid to master a Jutsu like that..." Dad applauded Zabuza.

Zabuza responded with a devilish laugh.

"Of course! It's a Kekkei Genkai!" Dad exclaimed.

"It's a Jutsu passed down through generations." Dad quickly explained to us, even though I obviously knew what a Kekkei Genkai was.

"Oh then... it's like your Sharingan?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah... you could compare it to that, but even the Sharingan can't copy other Kekkei Genkai... it's almost impossible to defeat." Dad thought aloud.

Naruto and Sasuke were both on the ground panting.

"Haku is tearing them to shreds... but why isn't he killing them..."

"I won't die here... cuz I have a dream that I need to fulfill!" Naruto confidently yelled.

"dreams..." Haku repeated wistfully.

He seemed to go back into a deep memory as he thought about what Naruto said.

"I didn't want to become a shinobi... its painful..."

"If possible, I don't want to have to kill you... Nor want you to have to kill me. But if you come at me... I can destroy my kind heart with a blade and become a true shinobi..." Haku continued.

"This bridge is the place where we fight... to defend our dreams." Haku states with a final air.

"This is meaningful and all, but all this talking is making the battle drag on longer..."

"You can do it Naruto, Sasuke! DON'T LOSE TO HIM!" Sakura yelled.

"No! Sakura don't egg them on." Dad barked.

"Even if they could somehow defeat that technique, they cannot beat that boy... they don't have the instinct to mercilessly kill..." Dad explained.

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