Chapter 9

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Kye's POV

"Hmm Sasuke is actually pretty good..."

I watched as Duckbutt sent a giant fireball towards Dad. When I stumbled upon them, I saw Sasuke almost get a bell.

"Heh, he couldn't get a bell from dad even if hell froze over."

When the flames and smoke cleared, I couldn't see dad anymore. Sasuke was panting from fatigue and overuse of chakra.

Suddenly a hand popped up from the ground and grabbed Sasuke's ankle. Dad then appeared and pulled Sasuke into the ground leaving only a Duckbutt head sticking up.

"Ninjutsu: Earth Style Headhunter jutsu." Dad said.

Sasuke squirmed trying to free himself from the ground.

"You know they say that the nails that stand up are the first to get pounded down." Dad continued.

"Now that Sasuke is beaten, this is my chance to catch dad by surprise."

I threw a bunch of shuriken towards Dad, but he easily dodged them.

"Kye, if you're going to pull a sneak attack, you're gonna have to do better." He said. 

I created a lightning clone and watched as it jumped out of the bushes.

"Well, I didn't expect those to actually hit you." I ( the clone) replied shrugging.

"Anyway, now that Sasuke is stuck, it's my turn." I grabbed a Kunai knife.

My clone attacked dad. But after a short exchange of fists, dad slammed a Kunai knife into the clone's back. Sasuke gasped. My clone then evaporated with a small electrical discharge. I then jumped out of the bushes.

"Calm down Sasuke I'm right here, that was a clone." I said.

I was kinda surprised Sasuke would even care about teammates.

"Very clever Kye, good use of clones to observe your opponent's strengths and weaknesses." Dad stated.

"Mm. Well now it's time for the real deal!" I said and unsheathed my sword.

I noticed Sasuke was staring at my sword grip, which I knew was a bit unusual. I hold my sword backwards, the blunt edge of the blade parallel with my forearm.

Lighting style: Silver lighting charge!

My sword crackled with silver tinted electricity.

Dad sprinted away from Sasuke and into the trees. I followed and when we came upon another clearing we both stopped to face each other. Running at him, I swung my blade at Dad's legs, but he just jumped over.

"Ha he fell for it!"

Lighting style: Silver lighting cable!

When he jumped, I threw my lighting cable and attached it around his ankle. Surprised, he caught himself from tripping with his hands.

I pulled on the cable and reached for a bell, but as I had my hand around one, the timer rang loudly. I froze in my tracks.

Dad disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Nice try Kye, almost had me there. But you forgot about one detail. The time limit." Dad said reappearing behind me.

"Dammit! I spent too much time observing." I yelled angrily.

Dad came up and ruffled my hair.

"Well, regardless, I know you understand the purpose of this exercise, and I believe that you tried your best to follow the point. Let's go meet up with the others." 

-Time skip- 

We all sat in front of the training logs, except for Naruto, because he was tied to one of them. Sasuke had never looked more emo and angry as he did sitting there; and Sakura was just staring at Sasuke with an odd expression. 

"You guys look really hungry..." Dad said. 

As if that was the magic word, all our stomachs growled in unison. 

"Oh... and by the way, something about the training, you don't need to worry about being sent back to the academy-" He started. 

Sakura and Naruto immediately interrupted him and had excited expressions on their faces. 

"So...all four of us!??!" Naruto and Sakura yelled.

Sasuke simply grunted in a mocking tone. I just sat there waiting for what was next. 

"Yes. The three of you- he pointed at everyone except me-should quit as Shinobi... you failed." Dad said darkly. 

A/N Hey guys! Sorry for being on hiatus for so long! I hope this chapter is good, it's formatted a little weirdly but I'm also writing this half asleep... I'll try to post more regularly from now on. Bye!

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