You Are-

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To me,
You are not my sun
You are not my moon
You are not my stars
You are not my sky
You are not my world
And above all, you are not perfect

But, you are, you

Unlike the sun,
You do not leave for the moon
Unlike the moon,
You do not cast a shadow of my wounds
Unlike the stars,
You do not give me false hope of one that shoots across the night sky
Unlike the sky,
You do not make me hate waking every morning only to see you-there
Unlike the world,
You do not make me regret being born into it
Unlike perfection,
You do not wear a mask to hide your beautiful scars


I've never been a big fan of all the cheesy romance stuff nor of how people now adays take love out of sex, so here's this.  A testament to both. 

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