The Silver Guardian Bk. 01 Ch. 16

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The Silver Guardian

By DaddyIrishman

A huge thank you to my editor Tex Beethoven for another amazing job and collaboration, thank you Tex you rock!!!

Book 1

Chapter 16

Dante and Lily had set their alarm for 7:30am, but when it went off it felt much sooner than either of them thought it should. Both Lily and Dante had gotten their wishes, Dante was up at his usual early hour and Lily got to wake up in his arms, though she wished it could have happened later in the morning. They both dressed casually; for Dante that meant a pair of boots, cargo pants and a black t-shirt with his hair in a ponytail. Lily dressed in a pair of cream flats and tight jeans with a red v-neck t-shirt.

They headed down to breakfast and beat some of the normal crew to the table. By 8am everyone had arrived, and breakfast was wheeled out. Big plates of pancakes and eggs and sausage all piled high, would keep Dante and Lily going all morning, even though their metabolisms were higher than those of normal humans. Lycans tended to gobble down food like... well, wolves... but nobody had ever seen a chubby one.

They chatted comfortably between themselves, and with the others at the main table. Soon breakfast was wrapping up and Dante gave Lily a scorching kiss, and scented her deeply before he had to take off. Lily nuzzled his neck, capturing his scent so she could smell him all morning. Lily went off with her Mother, and Dante headed for the Library in the Manor House on the main floor.

The Library was one of the larger suites in the wing going off to the left when you entered the Manor House. There Dante met the Pack Archivist. His name was Nick Smith, and like Abigail and most other Heads, he was a Senior Wolf. Two Pack Elders were waiting as well: Elder Bruce and Elder Maeve.

Everyone introduced themselves and laid out how things would start, and how they would progress over the coming weeks. First, they would cover what being a lycan meant and everything that went along with it. Then they would cover Pack law and how the Pack operated on a daily basis in the compound, as well as those living throughout their territory. Then they would explain Pack structure throughout the USA, then an explanation of Pack structure throughout the world and how they governed. Next would be Pack History, and they would finish up with lycan history.

Dante understood he would need to assimilate a lot of knowledge very quickly during each session. He had brought his laptop to make notes as they went. He made a mental note to buy a tablet, as he was pretty sure he would begin needing it for this and for his other Alpha Heir duties.

They jumped right in, and the Elders and Nick began filling his head with knowledge, covering lots of ground very quickly. The first thing he learned was that barring death by violence, lycans tended to live much longer than humans. Lycans often lived more than 350 years and weren't considered Elders until they reached 150 years of age. Due to their inherent magic as well as their extreme healing abilities and robust body chemistry, lycans aged more slowly and retained their strength and skills throughout nearly all of their long lives. One facet of the classic legends was true: silver was deadly to them and would burn them even from just a touch, which was why the only precious metals they used for jewelry were platinum or gold.

Dante learned that lycans' wolves weren't separate from them, just like their human selves weren't separate. A self was a self, and everyone had only one: there was no 'other' lurking anywhere in a lycan's consciousness. Some topics were a little easier to discuss by referring to their wolves as if they were something different or another side, but they really weren't.

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