The Silver Guardian Bk. 01 Ch. 22

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The Silver Guardian

By DaddyIrishman

A huge thank you to my editor Tex Beethoven for another amazing job and collaboration, thank you Tex you rock!!!

Book 1

Chapter 22

Lily and Dante woke up early Monday morning, ready to start another busy week at the compound. They drank their coffee and ate their breakfast, before Lily climbed into her new truck as Dante climbed into his prized Chevelle, and they both headed toward the O'Connor compound. They had decided to skip breakfast at the dining hall, and to show up an hour before they were to start their lessons and training, so they could unload Lily's truck into a storage area in the compound that had been set aside for their use. They had just finished unloading, when it was time for Lily to go meet her Mother to start her rounds and Dante had to be in the library. They kissed quickly, and each made their way to their first task of the week.

An hour later Dante was almost to the pistol range to start his first round of training the Pack. This should prove interesting, he thought.

He arrived at the range to see Ben holding court, getting the first round of wolves ready for their lesson. Ben informed Dante after they'd greeted each other, that everyone had either brought their own pistol, or had been issued one today. There was plenty of ammo, and the first 25 students were already here and ready for him.

Thanks to some quick work during the past few days, the pistol range had been expanded to 25 lanes, so everyone would have someplace to practice the entire time and no one would have to take turns.

Dante put his thoughts together, then gathered everyone to listen to him as he addressed the group. He stood at one of the firing lanes, his body turned away from the line as he spoke.

"Ladies, men, I'm here to teach you how to shoot. As wolves, most of you have probably never felt the need to use a firearm, but that is antiquated thinking. When your life is on the line, and your brothers' and sisters' lives, your mates' and your very Pack's, you will need to use every weapon and advantage at your disposal to render your enemy dead, and ensure that the ones you love will see a tomorrow. We live in a modern world and walk upon a modern battlefield. We are an old race and most of you still remember and live the old ways, although I'm the new kid on the block, but as times and technology change, so must we. When you can reach out and strike a fatal blow against your enemy before they have a chance to strike a single blow against you and your loved ones, you will have finally understood deep down, the necessity of what I am here to teach you. Please pay attention and learn well."

He had been looking at each person gathered there, making eye contact as he spoke to them. When he finished speaking, he reached behind himself and within an instant had a Spartan in his hand and was sending all nine bullets downrange without blinking, all within the span of a few seconds, with his arm extended flat away from him.

25 sets of eyes stared downrange at the target. There was a cluster of nine holes, all dead center in the silhouette's head. Dante was again staring at them when he holstered his gun and spoke again, "Until each and every one of you can do that, I am going to be riding your ass endlessly without fail."

A rather attractive blonde wolf spoke up at that, "Is that a promise, Alpha Heir? I wouldn't mind your riding my ass and taking me for a test drive, if you know what I mean."

Everyone burst out in laughter as she grinned at him saucily.

Dante joined in the laughter and rolled his eyes. When everyone quieted down he spoke with a smirk and mirth in his voice, "My mate may have an issue with that proposition... Helen, is it? But you're welcome to ask Lily what she thinks about it when you see her. I'd recommend seeking immediate cover should you choose to do so, however. I haven't witnessed it yet, but her mother and father tell me she can have quite the temper when she chooses to exercise it."

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