The Silver Guardian Bk. 01 Ch. 02

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The Silver Guardian

By DaddyIrishman

Book 1

A big thank you to my amazing editor Tex Beethoven who once again worked magic and made this a much better chapter and read, thank you Tex!

Chapter 2

It was late afternoon and Dante was about 45 minutes or so north of Whitefish, Montana, winding his way through some mountains. He had the windows down so the cool air was blowing through his deep black hair, occasionally sweeping it past his eyes and tickling his ears.

The sensation he had been feeling the past day or so was now a constant pulse in his subconscious, one he could barely detect but that was leading him; leading him where he didn't know, but he kept going with it.

Dusk would arrive in the next hour or two and he was peering through the windshield at a sharp hairpin just ahead, when he saw a large blue truck emerge around the turn.

Without warning a deer came bounding out of the foliage right in front of the truck! The truck lurched and swerved, but the back tire hit a patch of sand on the shoulder of the road, and the sudden evasive maneuver in addition to the grit toppled it sideways and the truck rolled downslope off the road, slamming into a large pine in the small ravine on the side of the road! The deer bounded safely away, but left devastation in her wake.

"Fuck!" barked Dante as he slammed on the brakes and turned off the engine , pulling to the side of the road, pulling the parking brake before he bolted from the Chevelle. He made a quick assessment. The cab of the truck was mostly intact, though damaged severely. The smell of gas filled his nose and he could see heat rolling off the overturned truck.

Knowing that a fire or perhaps even an explosion was a very real likelihood, he raced to the truck and struggled to open the door, but it had been partially caved in and wouldn't budge even with him pulling on it as hard as he could. Through the broken window he could see a long mane of hair trailing down from a woman hanging limply upside down from her seatbelt. Blood was slowly dripping to the roof of the interior.

Dante knew he had but a small window of time to get the woman and himself away from the truck before it caught fire or exploded. He grabbed the door with both hands and planted his right foot against the truck body and pulled with all his might! "Come onnnnnn, open goddammit!" Dante roared.

The door groaned and the metal started to shriek, and for the first time since Mosul, that familiar heat and strength invaded his body and he ripped the door from the truck right off its hinges! He and the door tumbled onto the mountain slope, but fortunately not far.

Stumbling, he righted himself, grabbed his pocket knife and urgently cut the seatbelt away from the young woman and eased her gently out of the truck's cab. Flames had already begun and were soon licking all around the truck as he grabbed her and held her tight to his chest as he sprinted as fast as his trick knee allow, up the steep slope and away from the truck.

Moments before he crested the ridge, a tremendous explosion rocked the ravine and forced Dante to his knees as he grunted and tried to stop himself from landing atop the woman and perhaps injure her further. He felt a burning sensation across his side and flanks before a sharp pain erupted on the back of his head, sending a flash through his vision before everything went dark...


Lily came to, slowly and groggily. Everything hurt and her head was spinning and she couldn't see anything. As her senses began to clear she realized she was lying on a roadbed, pinned beneath something hard and quite warm.

The Silver Guardian Bk. 01Where stories live. Discover now