Chapter One: I voluntarily get kidnaped

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        Life sucks. Seriously adults now know nothing. I mean they were kids once don’t they remember when their parents did the same thing to them. Okay, so I may be getting ahead of myself. I guess I should introduce myself now, anyway my name isPiper Prescott. Yes, I realize that my initials are PP. It just goes to show how much my parents love me, notice the sarcasm. Going back to the subject of me, I'm fifteen years old and I live with my sister, her husband, and her son who I'm sure all hate me, but you know I've never been one to complain. Now why don’t we start with the amazing story of my life I think I've wasted enough of your time.

        As I said before, I’m fifteen years old. I live in California you know the state that’s always sunny and where everyone has that sun kissed skin, stunning sky blue eyes, and honey blond hair, all of that is just one big lie. For the past week, it’s been raining nonstop, and I’m not talking light drizzle, no this is full on rain that stops for an hour and starts up again. Also I don’t have those stunning sky blue eyes and blond hair and the type of tan people go to get at salons or whatever. I’m just your average five foot five girl with dark brown hair and dull blue eyes. I’m a ninth grader at Westlake high school and I’m what you would consider as an outcast. Now sometimes being the outcast the girl who sits on the grass alone at lunch reading a book or is listening to music while everyone else is socializing has it’s perks but most of the time it sucks. 

So, lets fast forward to today, Tuesday. It was cloudy and the sky was gray and the sun was no where to be seen. It stopped raining twenty minutes ago, but I had already gotten soaked, because my sister didn’t believe in giving me a ride or buying me a car, so I had to walk from my house which was thirty minutes away from the school in the pouring rain, just great, that’ll give them something to laugh about. 

        I got to my class right as the late bell rang. ‘Lovely probably going to get another detention’ right when I walked in, people started snickering, very mature. I rolled my eyes and walked to my seat in the back. On my way to the back someone thought it was funny and tripped me and I fell, great. Someone came and helped, I looked up and was met with the most beautiful eyes that ever existed. They were HIS eyes, I blushed “thanks,” I mumbled. I went and sat in my seat just before the teacher came in. 

        While the teacher was talking about some weird scientific formula that I couldn't care less about ‘great student I know’ I used that time to stare at the back of his head. Now you’re probably thinking I'm some kind of creepy stalker, but I’m not. I’ve known Luke since third grade. You’re probably saying, well what does that have to do with you staring at the back of his head, well to answer your question that you may or may not have asked I sorta have a small crush on him. Okay, total lies I have a huge crush on him, but I mean come-on who wouldn’t. His hair is chestnut brown, and his eyes are these beautiful shade of hazel, he’s also one of the nicest guys at this place and he’s hilarious, and of course his body helped with the liking process. Now this is a one time thing I don’t go around acting all girly and stuff that’s not me, and I'm way off track, so let me continue with where I was at. 

        So, I was in science and the fire alarm starting blaring. Everyone started panicking for no apparent reason, I really don't understand why the panic when a fire alarm starts ringing it’s normally a drill or some idiot though it would be funny to pull it. 

        I started following my teacher out of the classroom to head outside, when I was yanked into the janitors closet. I was about to scream when someone puts their hand on my mouth. I looked at my captors, they were these two girls that I've never seen before in my life. One of them was the same height as me with blonde hair and these really pretty blue eyes, while the other was a few inches taller with reddish brown hair and blue eyes. They were both wearing the same thing except the taller one’s jacket was black not blue like the blonde’s. The strange thing though other than the fact that they had me in a closet with no way of getting out, was that they each had a weapon which I'm certain security would have confiscated it. The blonde had a sword that looked sharp while the tall one had a dagger. They kept whispering to each other, I only caught a few words. 

        I thought back to anything that would be useful in this case and I remembered that before my parents left my dad taught me self defense ‘most dad’s play tea party with their kids, nope not my dad’, I'm not good at it though that was like 9 years ago, but I had no other option, so I went for it. I ducked and grabbed the tall one’s dagger, the element of surprise. I pointed it at them, now that I think of it, it’s a stupid idea, but no one ever said I was smart. I've never used a dagger and I'm one hundred percent sure the blonde knows how to use that sword, but I wasn't gonna tell them that so I acted tough. “Okay, so why don't we do this the easy way and no one will get hurt,” I said with as much strength as I could muster. They looked at each other and laughed. I swallowed “I'm serious I'm not afraid to use this,” I said, waving the dagger around, I knew I looked pathetic.

        “How about you put the dagger down before you hurt yourself,” the blonde one said. 

         “Can I at least get like your name or something I can’t keep thinking of you as the blonde one and the red haired one, also while your at it maybe the reason you dragged me into the janitors closet?” I asked.

“I guess it won’t hurt, I’m Savannah and this is Daniella,” the tall one said.

        “All right we’re at a good start, and I ask again why did you dragged me in here,” I said.

“You can ask, but that doesn’t mean well answer,” Daniella said in a bored tone.

        “Well, aren’t you just a ray of sunshine,” I said irritated.

“I think you and I will get along just fine,” Daniella said as her lips turned up into a small smile.

        “Hate to break up this beautiful friendship moment, but we need to get going and Piper that includes you too,” Savannah said. I looked between the two of them, I know people always say don't trust strangers, but they looked trustworthy, and besides no one will miss me if I leave. 

“All right i’ll go with you guys,” I said. They looked at me like I had grown a third head. “What?” 

       “Your just gonna agree?” Daniella asked.

                “Ya its not gonna make a difference your gonna take me with you whether I say yes or no. Besides you guys don't seem like your trying to kill me or else you would have done it by now,” I said as I walked out of the closet. “You guys coming because I don't know the way to wherever you're taking me” I said. They nodded and I started following them.

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