Chapter Four: The test

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        After the whole Ione incident Daniella decided to show me around. This place was amazing and from up close the beach looked better which I don’t know how that was possible. Of course you know the fact that there were shirtless guys walking around was an advantage. In my opinion they had nothing against Luke, but I’m probably biased. A couple of guys were looking over where Daniella and I were, but they were probably looking at her so I just kept walking forward. “Hey Daniella those guys over there are looking at you,” I told her. 

        “Yeah, you see the brunette over there, the one with the green eyes?” She asked, I nodded. “I kinda have a thing for him. Oh shush he’s coming this way act natural.” I don’t understand why she told me to act natural I wasn’t even doing anything.

        “Hey Daniella, who’s this?” From up close you could tell that he had light brown hair and these amazing green eyes that seemed to put you in a trance, also he was tall. 

        “Oh this is Piper, she’s new,” She said. I have to give it to her she was acting calm and collected if I was talking to someone I liked I would probably be a hot mess.

        “That’s cool, It’s great to meet you,” He said while giving a dazzling smile. “I’m Dylan and this is Logan.” He pointed to his friend. I smiled at him, his friend was a couple inches shorter than him, but still taller than me. He had light blue eyes that looked like the sky and dark brown hair. He was cute in a skater type guy and his smile was beautiful. 

        “So, what can I help you with Dylan, are you finally ready for that sparring session, you know so I can wipe the floor with you,” Daniella said with a smirk.

        “You wish you couldn’t kill a fly even if it had broken wings,” He shot back at her. They would make a cute couple, they would be that couple that act like best friends.

                “Would you like to see what I can do with a sword wimp,” She said, standing up taller even though it didn’t make a difference he still towered over her.

        “All right I give up you probably would beat me,” He said while Daniella smiled in triumph and stuck her tongue out at him. “Real mature and you're in charge of bringing new kids here.” He teased her and she punched him in the arm. “So ready for the ability test Piper?”

“Sorta, I don’t really know what it is, but I’m kinda nervous” I said.

        “Don’t sweat about it, they just give you situations that bring out your abilities and they write them down,” Logan said.

        “Ya just keep a clear mind, it's getting late and you need your rest so I'll see you two tomorrow and Dylan make sure you’re well rested, because tomorrow I am not going down without a fight” Daniella said while walking away.

        “It was great meeting you two,” I said with the first genuine smile I had given in the place and followed Daniella. We stopped at one of the houses I saw when I first arrived. Daniella put her hand on the door knob and it opened by itself. Okay that was cool, I walked in and my jaw went slack. This place was amazing, from the outside you wouldn’t expect this, but wow. I followed her upstairs and she led me to a door at the end of the hallway. 

        “This is going to be your room, hope you like it, night,” Daniella said and walked to the room three doors down from mine. I walked into the room and was amazed. It looked like my old room only way better. It was still a dark purple and I had the same bed and pictures on the wall, but to the side was a desk with a computer and a TV hanging on the wall. Also there was a walk in closet and a door that led to my own bathroom. I opened the closet and all my clothes from my house were here, plus some new ones. I decided to go to bed since it's been an eventful day. 

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