Chapter Eight: Gym class gets interesting

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        I ran till I saw Daniella standing there with Dylan. They were both looking over at Savannah and Sam, who were in what looked like a heated argument. “Why are they fighting?” I asked Danielle and she just shrugged,

        “I don’t know I came, and they were fighting like this. It's been going on for like five minutes,” She said and returned to watching the fight. I felt Logan's presence behind me, but I was too busy watching Sam and Savannah to care.

        "Sav it's really not what you thought she was flirting with me. She does it all the time, why are you so worked up about it this time?" Sam said in a surprisingly calm voice.

        "That's the point Sam she does it all the time and I know I keep my cool, but I just can't anymore I just wanna kill her," Savannah exclaimed.

"I get that, but why are you yelling at me," Sam said.

        "Because you don't seem to care when she does it and frank...," Savannah was cut off by Sam kissing her. She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer. I looked over at Daniella who was fake.

        "Sorry to you know ruin the mood love birds, but class starts soon and you know how the coach is," Daniella said while walking in with Dylan. I stopped at the door and turned to the couple.

        "In addition there's this magical thing called PDA, you should look it up," I said. Right before I walked in I saw Sam chuckle, while Savannah was glaring at me. I walked into the locker room and went up to the person sitting in a chair by the door. "Um..I'm new and I was told to come here." She looked away from her phone and up at me. She was a fairly tanned woman with brown, almost black curly hair and brown eyes.

        "Are you Piper?" She asked and I nodded. "Here you'll have locker seventy-five," She said while handing me a pair of blue shorts and a white shirt. I walked over until I found the locker I was supposed to have. ‘Great I'm next to Ione.’ Can this day get any worst? I tugged on the lock that was attached and it opened. Inside were a pair of running shoes that were strangely my size. I changed quickly and got out of there, I didn't wanna deal with Ione any more that I already had to.   I saw Ellie and Justine in one corner, so I decided to go over to them since I didn’t know anyone else who was dressed.

"Hey guys," I said when I reached them.

        "Hi Piper. Oh Ellie here she comes go for it," Justine said while looking in the direction I came from. I turned around and saw who she was looking at. Ione was out of the locker room. She was wearing heels, which is really stupid, and she had also shortened her shorts, and her shirt looked three sizes too small. She was walking over to where we were when she was suddenly knocked down to the ground. I turned to look at Ellie, and saw that she was concentrating on something. It was then that I remembered one of her abilities. 

        I turned around and saw that Ione was still struggling. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I just burst out laughing. Mostly everyone was now dressed and out of the locker room, and once they saw Ione they just laughed. The coach walked out of the locker room and saw what was happening, she just shook her head and blew her whistle and everyone just went silent.

        "Ellie what did I say about using your abilities against others," The coach said while sighing. She sounded like this was an everyday thing, and with Ellie I'm guessing that it was. Ellie stood up straight and put her arms to the side. This should be good.

"You said not to do it Ma'am," Ellie said while everyone snickered. The coach just shook her head.

        "Just don't do it in my class again," She said. "Now everyone I need two volunteers for leaders. I have nothing planned so we will be playing exterminator." That really didn't sound like a fun game and I was probably going to be picked last like usual. 

        This guy I didn't know volunteered and so did Dylan. "All right you each get to pick two at a time. Choose wisely we don't want a repeat of what happened last time." Dylan chose Daniella and Logan and the other guy chose Ione and Carmen. Oh he's going to choose all the popular people first. Daniella whispered something into Dylan's ear and he smirked. He chose me and Savannah next while the other guy kept picking people I didn't know. Once we were all sorted out the coach cave the leader a different color flag and handed them a big duffle bag. 

        Dylan led us outside the gym and after many turns I just stopped concentrating. Everyone suddenly stopped and I used the time to look around. The only thing I saw were trees lots and lots of trees. I looked forward and saw that Dylan was standing on a bench.

        "All right we all know how this game goes and what happens if we lose. We just need to remember to stick to the plan that we will come up with and that teamwork is the key. Also the fact that they have Ione, so were all good," He said and people laughed. "Now we have thirty minutes to come up with a plan and get everything ready, so lets get started." Everyone started going somewhere and doing something, and I was just like a lost puppy. Daniella came over and grabbed my arm, pulling me to where Dylan, Sam, Logan, Savannah, Ellie, and Justine were.

        "Okay plan time, and I need to explain this game to Piper," Daniella said while sitting down on the bench. It took her about ten minutes to explain everything to me, then we got started on the plan. Soon Dylan stood up and blew the whistle.

         "Okay, everyone line up we only have ten minutes to go over the plan and get ready," He said while handing out rifles which were inside the duffle bag. I was glad that the rifles only had tranquilizing darts and not actual bullets. I mean I would like it better if it had like paint, but the darts were better than the latter. Dylan spent the last couple of minutes to explain the plan when we heard an alarm go off. ‘Let the fun begin.

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