Chapter Three: I met the spawn of tartarus

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        I was in awe when I walked through the gate. This place looked like something out of a dream. The sky looked sunny and the clouds were beautiful, which was strange since outside the gate it was cloudy. All around me there were kids of all ages walking around laughing and just enjoying their time. To the far left there was a stone path and on both sides of the path there were houses, I don’t know how far the path went for, but it seemed long. To the right there was a beach that looked like it was out of a postcard, the sand was a beautiful yellow and clear, no rocks or anything and the ocean was an amazing shade of blue and green not a hint of dirt or trash in the water. Straight ahead were a couple of paths that lead somewhere, but I could see kids training with weapons or practicing archery. Somewhere climbing this cave looking things, while others were doing what looked like an obstacle course. In other words, this place looked like a paradise, you know, if you look past the whole kids trying to stab each other or the sound of someone when they fell off the cliff. 

        I followed Daniella and Savannah with a dumbfounded expression on my face. We stopped at a building before my two new ‘friends’ walked in, I had no clue if I should follow them or not, but I went with the smart idea and walked in. When I walked in there were two people sitting at a table that looked too big for just the two of them. One of them was a middle aged man, he was bald with glasses and a goatee, he was wearing a button up and a tie. If you saw him you would put him as those strict principle type guys, but for some reason he gave of this kind vibe and the fact that he had his feet up on the table told me he was a laid back guy. The woman on the other hand, gave this evil vibe. She had dirty blonde hair and cold blue eyes. She was dressed in the same outfit a secretary would wear, the black skirt that went down to the knees, a white shirt with ruffles, and a black blazer. 

        Right away for some reason I could tell we were not going to get along well. I stood there awkwardly for a couple of minutes until Savannah decided to speak. “This is Piper,” Savannah said while pointing at me. I waved timidly at them. The man smiled, while the woman looked me up and down with an expression of disgust on her face. I rolled my eyes, great just great this is so what I need, someone new to judge me. 

        “Welcome young one, you probably got Daniella to talk, so you already know about the whole ability thing. Am I correct?” the man asked in a kind voice. I nodded my head while the woman muttered something that sounded a lot like of course she talked. I really wanted to take Daniella’s sword and run it through this jerk. “Excellent thank you Daniella. I should introduce myself, I am Mr. Revson, but most just call me Mr.R.” The bi- I mean kind individual notice the sarcasm cleared her throat. She gave me a forced smile that looked very unnatural.

        “Yes, yes lets just cut to the chase. Welcome Piper I am Mrs. Heller I am your school advisor, so if you have any issues come and talk to me,” she said. Oh the pain her husband must go through, who would have guessed her name has the word hell in it. I gave her a sweet innocent smile and nodded. 

        “Now you will take the test that will show us what your ability or abilities are tomorrow. For today, just have Daniella show you around,” Mr.R said. “Oh and Daniella and Savannah I hope you don’t mind, but she will be getting the spare bedroom that is in your house.” I looked over at Daniella and Savannah waiting for them to object, but all I saw was Savannah nod her head in understanding and give me a small smile. Daniella on the other hand was creeping me out with that big smile on her face. 

                “Off you go now, don’t cause any trouble you three,” Mrs. Heller said, but she was mostly looking at Daniella who rolled her eyes and walked out the door. I decided to follow her while Savannah was talking to Mr.R.

        “Whats her deal? She doesn’t seem to like you very much?” I asked once were out of hearing distance. 

        “Oh, yeah she has issues, I wouldn’t take anything she says personally. Wait until you meet her daughter,” she said. We were walking around when I spotted this group of three girls who looked like they belonged in a strip club not a school for gifted people. The one in the middle was wearing a skirt that was way too short and I'm not even sure if that top is counted as a shirt. 

        She was flirting with a tall guy with brown hair that was spiked up and golden brown eyes. He was cute, but he looked really irritated with the girl. The two next to her looked like her posies. They wore shorts that would be classified as underwear and tank tops. All three of them in my opinion looked like clowns, way too much make up. I knew girls like this. Every school has them, the popular ones who put way too much make up and wore the most revealing clothes. I was about to ask Daniella about them when Savannah stormed to the girls and the boy. I looked at Daniella, but she had started jogging towards them. I was confused, but I followed her.

        “Why don’t you go flirt with someone who is single Ione,” Savannah said in an irritated tone. Oh so this is Ione, I remember Daniella mentioning her in the car. The girl looked at Savannah is disgust and rolled her eyes.

        “Psh, like you count as a girlfriend. I mean seriously what does he see in you,” Ione said while her two posies nodded in agreement. I despised girls like them so much.

        “Oh, great outfit Ione. Did it come with a pole?” Daniella asked. I was watching the five of them have a glare competition. If I were those three I would have ran off, Daniella and Savannah looked like a lion about to hunt his prey. The guy stood there watching them like I did. Ione rolled her eyes and finally looked at me.

        “I would watch who you are hanging with newbie,” Ione said looking me up and down. Oh great, here comes the look, but shockingly, it didn’t come. “You know you have potential, why don’t you ditch these freaks and come with me.”

        “No thanks,” I said while staring her down. She looked shocked, I bet no one has ever turned down her offer.

                “Whats your name newbie?” She asked. I really didn’t wanna tell her, but she was bound to find out. So I stopped slouching and looked down at her.

 “It’s Piper,” I said in an annoyed tone.

        “Listen here pepper...” She was trying, but failing to think of something to say.

        “I can almost hear the gears grinding inside your head,” I said. She looked surprised, probably thought I wasn't going to defend myself.

“Now listen here Missy...” she said, but I cut her off.

        “No, I think you're the one who needs to listen. I've literally been talking to you for five minutes and I can already tell you're a douchebag, also I can feel my IQ starting to lower. Now why don’t you take your clown face and your two posies, over here and do us all a favor and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of,” I said while glaring down at her. She huffed and stomped away. Her two posies looked at me then followed her. I turned around and saw Daniella, Savannah and mystery guy looking at me. “What? Don’t look at me like that okay, I can't stand people like that and my anger may have gotten the best of me.”

        “No, no that was good. At least someone has enough guts to put her in place,” Daniella said while slapping me on the back. 

        “I agree with Daniella maybe she’ll stop harassing us now,” Savannah said while the mystery guy put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

        “I doubt it will last long, but that was cool, what you did back there. Anyway after that I think I should introduce myself. Hi Piper I’m Sav’s boyfriend Samuel, but everyone just calls me Sam,” He spoke and even though I didn’t really know him he seemed like Savannah's type

“Its a pleasure to meet you Sam,” I smiled at him.

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