Chapter Fourteen: I'm no longer the new girl

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        “Who’s that?” I asked Savannah. We decided to take a break from our TV marathon by going for a walk. The who I was asking about was a girl I had never seen before. She looked around my age with straight brown hair. I couldn’t see her eyes, but she was talking to Mr.R.

        “I don’t know, never seen her before,” Savannah said. The girl finished her conversation with Mr.R and I decided to talk to her. “Woah Prescott! What are you doing?”

        “Excuse me, hi, I’m Piper and this is my friend Savannah. I was just wondering if you were new,” I said to the girl.

“Um... Yeah, I’m Tori,” She said. I could tell she was creeped out.

        “That’s cool, I was the new kid. Trust me, I know how freaky this stuff is,” I was trying to be friendly, but mostly I just wanted answers on who she was, and I also didn’t want anyone else getting sucked into Mr.R’s plan if it was true. “So, do you know who your roommates are?”

        “This girl named Lucy. I’m supposed to find someone with the name of Daniella Martin to show me around. Do you know where I could find her?” I looked over at Savannah and raised an eyebrow.

        “Yeah she’s a friend of ours,” I said with a smile. “She’s on a date today, so I would be happy to show you around. If you want that is.”

“Umm.. Yeah thats fine,” She said.

        “Okay let’s go. I’ll meet you at the house later Sav,” I said. I decided to see if I could read what she was thinking. ‘What on earth are you doing?’ I gave her a smile and walked away with Tori.

“So, how do you feel?” I asked. 

        “Weird, I mean you spend your whole life thinking you’re something and suddenly you’re something else,” She said.

        “Yeah I understand, but you shouldn’t let it change you. Just because you figured out you’re something else doesn’t mean you’re not really you. You’re still the Tori you know, and no one can take that away from you,” I said with a smile.

“Thanks, you seem really wise,” She said. 

        “Oh yeah no I’m the wisest of them all. No, I just understand where you’re getting at, but seriously if you ever need anything, you can always talk to me,” I said.

“Okay cool my first real friend here,” I spotted Chuck sitting under a tree with his phone. 

        “Hey Chuck!” He looked up at me. “Do you know where Lucy’s house is? I’m supposed to show the new girl who's her roommate, but I realized I don’t know where I’m going,” 

“Yeah It’s four houses down from your’s,” He said. ‘How does he know where I live?

        “How do you-,” I started, but he cut me off.

“I live across from you,” He said. 

        “Okay well I’ll see you in class. Thanks,” I said and walked away.

“Who was that?” Tori asked.

        “That was Lucy’s best friend who creeps me out a little, but who am I to judge,” I said. 

        After minutes of walking and having small talk with Tori, we got to where Lucy’s house was. I knocked on the door and waited till Lucy showed up.

“Hi Piper, can I help you?” Lucy asked.

        “Me? No. Her? Yes, This is your new roommate Tori,” I said while pointing to Tori who gave a nervous wave.

        “Welcome Tori,” Lucy said. “You’re bedroom is the third one on the left and well make yourself at home since it is.” Lucy then went back inside and left the door open. 

        “All right well as you heard, I’m only four house’s down, so don’t be shy to ask for anything,” I said while walking away. “See you around Tori.” I walked back home and found Savannah sitting on the couch with her phone. “Hey.”

“Hi,” Savannah said while putting her phone away. “So, care to explain what that was about.”

        “I was being friendly I know how weird it is to be the new kid here,” I said while sitting on the couch.

“You don’t strike me as the friendly type,” She said. “Come on spill Prescott.”

        “All right, so I wanted to befriend her so I can see if she’s the enemy or not and to also see what her deal is,” I said.

“You my friend are one sneaky person, but at least become her real friend,” She said.

        “And you my friend are too nice for you’re own good,” I said.

        “Shut up,” Savannah said. “So, how do you think the date went? She should be here any minute now.” Right as she said that we heard talking outside. Savannah and I shared a look and ran to the door to try and listen.

“So, I had a great time,” Dylan said.

        “Yeah me to,” Daniella said sounding shy.

        “So, I have a question to ask you,” Dylan said. “Would you.. You know.. Be my girlfriend. It’s your choice like one hundred percent if you say yes or n...” Dylan said, but was cut off by what I’m guessing is a kiss. Soon after we heard the sound of keys and ran back and jumped onto the couch.

“So as I was saying.. Hey Daniella how was the date?” I asked. She had this dopey look on her face.

        “It was good,” She said while taking her shoes off. 

“Just good?” Savannah said.

        “Okay it was great! He asked me to be his girlfriend, so now we’re dating and I’m really happy, but also super tired, so could we maybe talk about this in the morning?” Daniella said as she walked upstairs.

“So, all that’s left is you and your single self,” Savannah said.

        “I’m fine being single. You know shows girl power, and all that stuff,” I said. “Although if Peeta Mellark was to walk through that door right now I would totally change my mind.”

        “Oh, I’m sure you would change your mind for someone else. Maybe a certain person with a name starting with L and ending in N,” She said with a smirk.

“Shut up,” I said while getting up. “This is why I prefer to be alone.”

        “That hurt Piper. Straight through the heart. You know the heart right? The same place that beats when Logan walks into the room,” She said while laughing.

“Shut up Savannah!” I yelled from upstairs.

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