Chapter Nineteen: I really hate hospitals

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        “Ow,” I croaked as I opened my eyes. Everything around me was white, which led me to thinking about my time in the infirmary. I looked around to see Savannah and Daniella both sprawled out, fast asleep on separate chairs in the room. “Um..guys?” They both woke up and looked at each other, than me with wide eyes. 

“Piper!” Daniella said while hugging me. I winced and Savannah pulled her back.

        “Careful you idiot,” Daniella shot her a glare. “How are you feeling?”

“Slightly in pain, my arm hurts and my head is throbbing,” I said in a small voice.

        “Yeah, that usually happens when you hit your head hard, and its normal for a broken arm to hurt,” Daniella said casually.

        “Broken!” I shrieked and looked down to find my arm in a cast. I groaned and threw my head back onto the pillow. “Is everyone else okay?”

        “The ever so heroic, yeah everyone’s fine,” Savannah said while smiling. 

“What about Logan?” I asked in a small voice. Daniella and Savannah both shot me sad smiles.

        “He’s fine, hit his head pretty hard, got a concussion, but he’ll live,” Savannah said. 

        “We’re still waiting for him to wake up from his nap to question him,” Daniella said handing me a cup of water. 

                “What about Mr.R?” I asked.

        “He teleported when we were crowding around you to see if you were okay,” Daniella said with a sigh.

“I’m sorry,” I said with a sheepish smile.

        “Not your fault dimwit,” Daniella said. “Although just wait when we get home, you’re in for a rant about what an idiot you are and we’re going to discuss all your idiotic plans.”

“Thanks, I can really tell that you care,” I rolled my eyes, but smiled. “How could I forget, how’s Luke?”

        “Your very sexy friend has been asking about you,” Daniella said with a smirk. “We’ll go get him.” Moments later, Luke walked in with a bandage on his head.

“What happened to your head?” I asked

        “It’s nothing,” He lied.

“Stop lying unless wearing a bandage around your head is the new trend, start talking,” I said.

        “Okay, I had a cut. It’s fine though could have been a lot worse,” He said smiling.

“Well I’m glad your okay, I’m Pi-,” I started saying.

        “Piper Prescott, I know who you are, we’ve had classes together since third grade,” I really hope my face wasn’t red. “Thank you.”

        “It was nothing,” I said casually, like it was an everyday thing for me to go around helping people. “I did what any person would do.”

“I still appreciate it though,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

        “Great,” I said while yawning. 

                “You should get some rest,” He said while getting up, but on instinct I grabbed his hand.

“Stay please,” I said and he obliged. ‘Always so sweet.’

        “Get some sleep,” He moved a piece of hair that was in my face.

“I just woke up, I don’t need it,” I said while yawning again.

        “Liar,” He said with a cheeky smile. “Sleep.” I nodded and closed my eyes, letting sleep take me into it’s kingdom. 

Daniella’s POV: 

        “We should check in on them,” Savannah said for the tenth time in the past minute.

“Fine,” I groaned. “Your annoyingness is persuasive.”

        “Annoyingness is not a word,” She said while opening the door gently. Inside there was a sleeping Piper holding hands with a sleeping Luke.

        “Aww,” I said while taking a picture of the scene. “Blackmail is sweet.” Savannah rolled her eyes and closed the door quietly. She was about to comment about the scene, but Dylan came running by and dragging the both of us towards Logan’s room. 

        “He’s starting to wake up,” He informed them. Once there we all stood nervously waiting for Logan to speak, but he just kept looking at us with wide eyes. 

“Okay seriously the silence is killing me,” I said breaking it. “What don’t look at me like that.”

        “So, I guess you guy’s want answers,” Logan said. When everyone nodded, he sighed. “How about I just tell you the whole story.”

        “Can we wait till Piper is here,” Savannah said “She’s asleep right now, so maybe we can wait till tomorrow. You know, until everyone’s over what happened.”

        “Great idea,” Sam said while kissing the side of her head. “We should leave someone to watch over him though.”

        “I’ll do it,” Dylan said in an emotionless tone. He put a wall between him and his emotions ever since he found out what his best friend had done, and it worried me greatly.

“I volunteer to do second watch, for when you want to sleep,” I said and he nodded not meeting my eyes.  

        “Okay we’ll be outside if you need anything,” Savannah said as they all walked out. I grabbed Dylan’s hand and dragged him to the far end of the room where the chairs were. I sat down with him next to me, but he still wouldn’t look at me. 

        “Dylan look at me please,” I said while grabbing his face gently. “Dylan don’t do this. Don’t shut yourself out from the world. Don’t go into your bubble please let me in.”

“Daniella I can’t, I’m just tired, of everything,” He said while leaning into my touch. 

        “Let me help you,” I said while stroking his cheek and moving one hand off his face to hold his hand. “Please.” He looked into my eyes. Blue on blue and leaned in to kiss me. A gentle, sweet kiss, a perfect way to end a bad night.

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