Chapter Eighteen: The unwanted surprise

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        “What do you know who that guy is?” Savannah asked me while grabbing her sword. 

“That’s Luke,” I said in a small voice. 

        “Woah hold up, Luke the same Luke you told me about,” Daniella says and I nod. “Why is he...Ohh, this was a set up. Who ever got him made sure it was him to use it against you.”

        “I always knew you weren’t as dumb as you made yourself appear,” A voice that I would recognize immediately said. Mr.R walked out of the shadows as cliche as that sounds. ‘Is it bad timing to say I told you so’ I shot Daniella look. “This is your chance Piper, forget about everything and come join me and I’ll let this little human that you’re so interested in free.” 

        “See I don’t think so, it’s three against one plus we have backup,” I said trying to act tough and hoping his ability didn’t work on me somehow. He laughed and shook his head.

        “Oh, you mean your friends, well I had my backup deal with that,” He said. “Don’t worry they’re alive. Actually I think you might know my backup, Logan can you come in here.” I swallowed thickly and looked at the new figure who appeared, just as he said it was Logan. The same Logan, who I had kissed, the same guy who was sweet to me, and the same guy who I was starting to crush on.

“Logan,” I whimpered and looked at him with a hurt expression. 

        “Just join us Piper. I don’t wanna hurt you,” He said trying to sound sincere. 

        “It’s a little late for that,” I said. I grabbed my sword and held it in a firm grip. “Let him go.” Daniella and Savannah both got their weapons ready. 

        “I didn’t want to do this, but I guess I’ll have to,” Mr.R said. “You will he-.” I could tell he was using persuasion. ‘Two can play it this game’ 

        “I don’t think so,” I said shutting him up. I started walking towards him. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue.” It seemed that it worked because when he tried to speak nothing was heard. Logan stepped forward with his sword in hand. ‘Daniella you take Mr.R and tell Savannah to untie Luke, I got Logan’ my wish was granted because soon Daniella was running top speed at Mr.R. “So, how does it feel to be a traitor Logan?”

“I’m not a traitor,” He spat. “If anyone’s a traitor it’s you.”

“Did he use his ability on you?” I asked. “Just give me one reason why you would do this.”

        “I don’t have to and even if I did, you won’t be around to share,” He said and swung his sword at me. If I hadn’t ducked I would have become a headless Piper. I swung back, but he deflected it. ‘This is going to be a challenge’ I smirked and decided to try one of my abilities. 

        “You know they say a pen is mightier than a sword,” I said, and a second later Logan’s sword was a ball point pen. He growled and went to grab the hilt of my sword, but I spun and kicked him in the chest. “Let’s hope this works.” I flicked my wrist and Logan froze right before he could attack me. I turned to see how Daniella was doing which wasn’t good. Daniella was good like really good, but Mr.R was better. I didn’t know how long Logan would stay frozen, but I couldn’t let anything happen to Daniella. 

        I ran full speed which ,with the super speed ability was fast, and tackled Mr.R. Unfortunately I also tackled his sword which happened to cut my arm, but the adrenaline rush made me not feel it. Mr.R teleported from underneath me and went behind Daniella with his sword to her neck. I stood up and gripped my sword hilt. 

        “You’re just like your father,” Mr.R spat which made me freeze in my place for a second. “Now, unfreeze Mr.Walker and I won’t harm her.”

“How do I know your not lying,” I questioned. “I’m not stupid you know.” 

        “It seems to me that you don’t have a choice Ms.Prescott,” He said. ‘Piper don’t, I have a plan I’ll shift into a rat and run then you freeze him’ I gave her the slightest nod which would only be seen if you were looking. ‘Be careful’ I let out a breath and lowered my sword acting like I was admitting defeat. Daniella did her part, but before I could do mine Mr.R had me on the floor with his sword pointed at my heart. “Like I said you don’t have a choice.” Right when I felt like I was about to die an invisible force hit Mr.R over the head knocking him out. The air shimmered and there stood Sam in all his glory holding a hand out to me which I took. 

        “We brought rope,” He said holding up the rope. “You go deal with Logan and we’ll tie him up.” I was about to question the we part when the rest of the gang walked in. I nodded and walked to where Daniella was standing near Logan. 

“Your bleeding,” She said, indicating to the cut on my arm,

                “I’ll worry about it later,” I said and of course just my luck Logan had to use that moment to unfreeze. 

        “Luke is free, but he’s a little out of it,” Savannah said then turned around wide eyed. “Piper watch out!” I turned around just in time for Logan to grab me and float up. 

“Don’t you know, this isn’t a movie, the good guy doesn’t win,” He said. 

             “So, what are you gonna do,” I questioned. “Drop me because since your allied with that douche I’m sure you know about my abilities.”

        “There are worst things I could do to you,” He growled. “All you had to do was come willingly, but you had to do it the hard way.” I felt the coolness of a blade on my skin and that was when I knew it was now or never. Either way I could die and frankly, I didn’t care. I elbowed Logan in the face and twisted out of his grip. I then tackled him back to the ground, and from the impact of the floor it either knocked him out or killed him. I stood up on shaky legs and turned towards my friends. 

        “Is the room spinning?” I asked and the last thing I saw before complete and utter darkness clouded my vision were the concerned looks of my friends. My family.

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