Chapter Sixteen: Training sucks

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        It was way past midnight, my legs were sore, my arms felt like noodles, and I was about ten-seconds away from passing out cold. “Daniella can we please take a break. Please even if it’s only a minute, I need a break.”

        “Fine,” She sighed and sat down on the grass. After going on the so called ‘warm up run’ we returned home and started practicing combat, whether it was hand to hand or with weapons. We’ve been going nonstop since three in the afternoon and I was wiped out, but of course her number one rule was no complaining, so I had to keep my mouth shut. That didn’t mean I did. “Surprisingly you’re not so bad with a bow, and just like I thought sword usage is in your blood.”

        “Thanks,” I said while taking a drink of water. “I have a question though, if my abilities are my greatest strength how am I going to be able to use them to my advantage.”

        “Well, most abilities all it takes is complete concentration and a clear mind. So, we’ll work on that and try to get you to be able to control them, even if just slightly,” She said while standing up. “Break time over. I’ve taught you all I can in combat and let’s hope your common sense and natural reflexes help you.”

“I’m gonna take that as a compliment,” I said while standing up. 

        “You should. Now we’re gonna try to control your abilities, then it’s off to bed,” She said. ‘My bed. Warm and comfy’ “Snap out of it, concentrate. Now try to clear your mind. Relax and a take deep breathes in, out, in, out good. Now try to read what I’m thinking. Concentrate, don’t let anything else cloud your mind besides the goal at hand.” I concentrated and did what she asked, but I didn’t hear anything. I gave it a few more seconds when I heard Daniella’s voice. ‘If you can hear it raise your hand’ I did what she asked and raised my hand. “Good, dang you learn fast.”

“Thanks,” I said while smiling. “What’s next?”

        “Well, we’re gonna try the same technique with your other abilities,” She said while going inside. A few minutes later she came out with a cup filled with water and a glass vase. When I gave her a confused look she explained it was for freezing and projection. “Let’s start with the easy one, super speed. All you have to do is run and chant in your mind faster okay? Good now try it.” I gave her a look that said this isn’t gonna work, but I did what she asked. At first nothing happened, but eventually on the third try it worked. “Okay nice, try again.” I did and it worked. “Okay, so two down, four to go. Let’s try water control, since it occurs because of certain emotions you’re feeling try to use the pent up anger you have and control the water.”

“Easier said than done Daniella,” I said. Daniella sighed and gave me an annoyed look.

        “Okay first step: locate the water,” She said while holding up the cup. “Second: be the water.”

“This sounds like a line from an old samurai movie,” I commented with my eyes closed.

        “Shut up and do what I say,” She said annoyed. I sighed and concentrated. I thought about water, the way it feels, the way it tastes. I let out a breath and imagined water going up. “Yes! I am a great teacher, that’s what I’m talking about.” I opened my eyes and looked at Daniella.

“That worked? Seriously,” I exclaimed, and she nodded. 

        “Try again,” She said. I kept my eyes open this time, but did the same thing as before and just like she said it worked. The water went up and then when I stopped concentrating it splashed back into the cup. “Okay let’s do freezing.” I groaned hoping that we would take a break, but obviously that wasn’t going to happen. “I’m going to throw this vase up into the air, now put it through your head that if it falls it will make a loud sound, which will result into Savannah waking up, and a cranky Savannah is not a Savannah you wanna deal with.” 

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