Chapter 3

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Once Peeta, Haymitch, Effie and I are on the train we all have dinner at the table. We make small talk at first but then Effie starts saying how perfect everything has to be and that if we're not on time everything will be ruined so I get angry and she just won't stop.
"Effie do you realize what Peeta and I have been through with these games?! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF WE'RE LATE FOR SOMETHING. NOT EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!" I yell to Effie.
When I finish yelling I just storm off and go to then end of the train to be alone. I hear footsteps coming and I think it's Haymitch so I say " I'm really not in the mood to be given a lecture to"
"I wasn't going to give you one" I hear Peeta say.
"Oh, I thought your were Haymitch."
"Katniss you really upset Effie, I know you're mad but she didn't deserve to be yelled at like that"
"I know....everything just got out of hand, I'll apologize to her later."
"Ok" Peeta says and he's about to leave when I say "Wait can we talk or something?"
"What's there to talk about Katniss?"
"Look I know I hurt you but you can't keep shutting me out like this, I need you right now and I think we can help each other right now instead of being against each other."
"I know....." Peeta says "I know you were only keeping us alive in the about we just be friends for now?"
"I've never been good with 'friends'"
"Well first you find someone you want to know and then you get closer once you learn who the other person is and you help each other and you're there to help when needed. All I know about you is that you're stubborn and good with a bow."
"That pretty much sums me up" I say with a light laugh.
"What about your favorite color?"
I start laughing "green, because it's the color of the forest, my happy place. What's yours?"
"Like Effie's hair?"
He starts laughing now, "no, like the sunset."
"Well now I know everything about you Peeta Melark"
"Not everything" he says "but a little bit, do you want to see my paintings I've made as my talent?"
"I'd love to" I reply.
Since we've become victors we've had to show a talent of ours that we are passionate about to tell all the Capitol people about.  Peeta's was obvious, painting.  Mine not so much.  I'm great with a bow but that's about it and it would be bad to explain how I had to learn to do that being that it's illegal.  So Cinna designs clothes and then pulls it off as my work. 
As Peeta and I walk through the train to the car where his paintings are I slip my hand into his and when he sees what I've done I can see him smirk and I blush in return. 
When we get to the cart with his painting I'm speechless.  It's the games in another form.  Every detail is exactly as I remember it.  It's scary really.  I have to look away from some of them because they're the exact replicas of what haunts my dreams.  From the dog form of mutations, to me laying in my own blood in the cave.  I also see Rue surrounded by flowers in one of them and I gasp at the beautiful picture of her. 
"What do you think?" I hear Peeta ask.
"I hate's my nightmares in real life form on paper, how did you do this?" I ask bemused. 
"It helps me to paint the pictures in my gets them out of my system I guess".
"I didn't mean that the wrong way Peeta they're beautiful. I just meant it's eerie how similar they are to what it looked like in real life"
"I know what you mean, I just want you to like them" he says. 
I walk over to where he is and hug him trying to tell him without words how beautiful the painting are even if they do kinda scare me.  He return the hug and I feel the warmth from him and smile to myself wanting to relish in this feeling for as long as possible. 

A/N — I hope y'all are enjoying the story I'll try to have the next chapter hopefully some time tomorrow.  Thanks for reading this story it means a lot to me. 

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