Chapter 11

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As I walk back to my compartment I can still feel the warmth of Peeta's lips on my own.  It was probably really stupid to do what we did but I needed to show him how true my feelings for him are. 
Once I get back to my room I decide to take a shower.  As I wash my hair reality begins to sink back in.  Prim is going to be in that arena, and so is Gale.  I could handle Peeta I can keep one person safe.  But three people I can't do that.  They let two people win the last games they're not going to let that happen again much less three people becoming victors. 
I have to come up with a plan. There's got to be some way......
I am interrupted by my thoughts to hear Effie telling everyone to get dressed and presentable because we'll be in the Capitol in 15 minutes.
I finish my shower and pull on some black leggings, a forest green sweater, some black shoes and just brush my hair.
When I walk out to the main compartment with breakfast on the table I see Prim talking to Effie. They've become close like family and Prim thinks of Effie as an aunt.
I walk up to Effie and Prim and Effie says "Good morning dear.  Sleep well?"
Before I answer I see Peeta coming over to the table wearing one of the outfits he wore on the victory tour.
"Yes I slept well, did you?" I ask.
"Yes dear. Very well"
"You ok Prim?" I ask as I sit next to her and give Peeta a small smile as he sits next to me.
"Tired, nervous and a little scared but yeah I'm ok"
"It'll be ok little duck, I'll keep you safe" I say and give her a hug as best I can since we're sitting in chairs.
"I love you Katniss" she whispers in my ear.
"I love you too Prim". I reply.
"Anyone seen Haymitch or Gale?" Effie asks Peeta, Prim and myself.
"We're right here" Haymitch says with Gale walking behind him.
"Alright everyone. Today is a big day. You'll be showing yourselves and making a first impression upon everyone, including your opponents." Effie says. "Everything is extra special because it's a quarter quell. New arena of course. Also with a new tribute center and new sleeping quarters for everyone."
"Alright Effie lets let them breathe for a second they know what to do, don't you?" Haymitch's asks us all.
Peeta and I nod, while Prim and Gale just give looks of worry and fear.
"Prim, Gale, you'll both be fine. Just stay close by Katniss and myself and keep your head high." Effie tells them.
I feel the train come to a stop and know that we're here. The beginning of our death sentence.

"Alright everyone follow Haymitch and I" Effie says, while walking off the train and smiling at all the cameras and Capitol people going to the biggest building, I'm going to guess is the tributes quarters.
I take Peeta's hand in mine and walk behind Effie and Haymitch with Prim beside me and Gale beside Peeta.
As we all walk the reality of what's going to happen sinks in even more. I'm most likely going to die in that arena and only be able to save one of these people. That's if I'm able to save any of them. I hold onto Peeta hand stronger and his grip tightens as well.
Once we finally reach twelves headquarters I see that Effie wasn't kidding. Everything is different. Everything is more shiny and everything looks even more expensive that our headquarters did last year.
Effie tells Prim and I to go to one room and Peeta and Gale to another and that our stylists should be there to get us ready for our official ceremony in front of all of Panem.

Once Prim and I get to the room I see Cinna and my other stylists talking to each other.
"Cinna" I say as he walks up to me and gives me a hug and then one to Prim.
"Well I see you brought your sidekick with you this time around." Cinna says jokingly. Prim giggles at his comment and I just smile.
"This year we'll have two girls on fire." He says giving a wink to Prim.
"I'm guessing we're working with fire again?" I say.
"Yes and no" he says. "You'll see"

After a couple hours Prim and I look amazing in our shiny black dress. Mine goes all the way to the floor while Prims only goes just below the knee. My hair is half up and half down and in curls while Prims is all in a braid like mine was last year. Cinna was definitely trying to make me look older and Prim younger with the makeup on me looking dark and more mature while Prims was more natural with a small hint of black eyeshadow.
When Cinna says he's done with us he takes us down to the first floor with all the other tributes and shows us our carriage we'll be riding in. Before he leaves he gives Prim and I a clicker device and says when we're ready to press it and our outfits will appear to be on fire. Before he leaves Prim and I give him another hug and I whisper a thank you to him.

After Cinna leaves I see how half of the tributes are scattered moving around and talking to others while the other half stick to their carriage and just stand there.

When I'm about to go looking for Peeta or Gale with Prim I see the one and only Finnick Odair walking up to our carriage.
"Sugar cube?" He offers to Prim or myself. "They're meant for the horses but they have a whole lifetime, while we....well when we see something sweet we better take it." He says as he eats a sugar cube.
"No thanks" we say at the same time.
"You certainly look scary in that outfit Katniss. What happened to the cute dresses?"
"I outgrew them" I say smirking slightly.
"You could've had it made in the Capitol Katniss with jewels or money."
"Well I don't have any need for jewels and I have more money than I need" I say with a hint of agitation in my voice. "What do people give you? For the opportunity to be in your presence? Money?" I ask.
"Oh I haven't used anything as common as money in years as an exchange." He says. "Secrets" He says as he walks closer "is what I ask for in return for my presence. Any secrets worth my while Girl on Fire?"
"Nope" I say. "Everyone seems to know my secrets before I know them myself."
"I'm afraid you're right" he says.
"See you later Katniss. Nice chat. Bye Prim" he says and walks away.
"That was interesting" Prim says.
"Very" I reply.
As he leaves I see Peeta and Gale walking toward Prim and I.
"Hi" I say to Peeta and Gale.
"Hey" they both say at the same time.
Their outfits are similar to my own and Prims but mine matches Peeta's more while Prim's matches Gale's more.
"Ok you four" Haymitch says.
"Unlike last year I want you all to just look straight ahead. I don't want you to smile or wave or any of that."
"Ok" we all say in unison.
"Right. Now get in the carriage. Katniss and Peeta in front and Prim behind Katniss and Gale behind Peeta." Haymitch says. "Good luck, see you soon". He says and leaves.
"You ready?" Peeta asks as I hear the music of Panem start cuing District 1 to move onward.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I say and take his hand in mine.

As our carriage moves I see the thousands of people in the stands yelling and screaming all our names mainly Peeta and my name though.
Once we get halfway across the isle we're going through I press the clicker sending flames all around me. I see after I've done this Peeta, Prim, and Gale do the same. As we do this the crowd goes even more crazy.
Once I see Snows black eyes looking at everything all I see is hate. I swear he smiled at me but I just scowled even more and looked further ahead.

A/N — hi y'all thank you so much to all of those who have read this far it means so much to me.
I feel like this chapter isn't good and the writing just doesn't flow right. I promise it will get better. I'm still new to this. Please keep reading! <3

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