Chapter 12

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After the ceremony Haymitch, and four other people I recognize as Chaff and Seeder from District 11 with the two other tributes come over to Peeta,Prim, Gale, and myself.
"Good job guys, you all looked absolutely terrifying but powerful I guess." Haymitch says.  "This is Seeder, Louisa, Chaff, and Russ all from District 11."
We all nod in a greeting.  But Chaff comes up closer to me. I was guessing to give me a hug or hand shake but am taken aback to find his lips on mine. 
I am shocked by this while everyone mainly Haymitch and Chaff just laugh.
"He likes to be a little forward if you know what I mean" Haymitch jokes to us all. I just kinda stand there confused while everyone else just chuckles to themselves and I hear Prim giggling.
"Alright everyone, ready to head back to your rooms?" Effie asks us all. We all nod our heads in agreement to go back to District twelves floor level in the elevator. As we all enter a girl I recognize as Johanna from District 7 enter the elevator with us taking off all her accessories and whatever clothing she has on until she's only wearing her shoes.
"My stupid stylist could only come up with this god awful outfit while you four look amazing. I wish Cinna was my stylist." She says causally as if this so completely normal routine for her. "You should see what he can do with velvet" I come up with as the only fabric off the top of my head. I've never been good with girl talk.
"I did" she says. "That outfit you wore in District 2 on the Victory tour was amazing. I just wanted to rip it off you" she says. And some of my flesh too I bet. I think to myself.
"So Peeta how is your painting coming along?" She asks him.
"Good I guess" he reply's.
"Oh and you" she says pointing to Gale "you are quite the looker. Half of the girls everywhere want to get their hands on you". She says. Gale just stands there with a smug look on his face which I'd like to smack at the moment.
After she makes the comment about Gale the elevator comes to her stop and thankfully leaves but as she walks away she says "this was nice, we should do it again sometime."

After the whole elevator incident Prim was in a fit of giggles the whole way through dinner and everyone kept giving me sideways glances of humor while I just sat there annoyed.
"Will you all just stop? Please?" I ask when we're served dessert.
"Sorry Katniss" Prim says.
"It's only because you're so....pure that they're doing all this Katniss, with Chaff kissing you and Johanna undressing in the elevator. It will end soon enough" Peeta says. 
"I am not pure!" I say angrily. 
"For the Capitol you are though". 
"Whatever" I say and walk angrily back to my room. 
I hear light footsteps coming to my door. I can tell it's Prim by her light footsteps.
"Katniss?......can you open the door and let me in?" She asks.
"Ok" I say. I mean it's only Prim. She won't tease me about anything....I hope.
As I open the door I see she changed into pajamas. They're light pink and made of silk.
"Are you ok?" She asks as I walk to my bed and she closes the door.
"Yeah" I say "just a little annoyed."
"Well you should talk to Peeta"
"Why" I ask with my eyebrow raised.
"Because he deserves your forgiveness and he didn't mean to make you mad. He also feels bad and doesn't want to make you mad with everything you've got going on."
"Well he should feel bad" I say stubbornly.
"Katniss...." Prim says giving me puppy dog eyes pleading with me to give in.
"Fine!" I say putting my hands in the air. "You need to stop doing that. It won't work much longer."
"Oh it will" she says smiling widely at me.
I just shake my head as she walks out the door and says goodnight.
I decide I might as well get it over with and go to Peeta to 'forgive' him.
When I get to Peeta's room I knock lightly and instantly see him opening the door.
"Look Katniss-"
I cut him off and say "I forgive you. Let's just not talk about it. Ok?"
"Ok" he says slightly amused and shocked. " wanna come in for a minute?" He asks.
"Sure" I reply. Why not, right?
His room I realize is a good amount smaller than mine but his has a better view and I can see the sun setting with light orange and recognize his favorite color.
"The sunset is beautiful" I say in awe.
"Yes" He says "But not as beautiful as you"
This comment makes me blush and I decide to walk over to his bed.  I really want to stay here tonight so I won't have nightmares but I don't want to seem too 'clingy'.  Before I can decide anything Peeta sits next to me and takes my hand in his and says
"You know, no matter what I'll always be with you....right?"
"No Peeta you're not going to talk like this.  I won't let you." 
"Come on Katniss you're going to choose to save your sister over me and Gale I know you will.  Just make this easier and let me say my peace."
"No Peeta I won't talk like this.  Some how some way you're all getting out of there.  I just don't know how yet." I say
"Katniss that's impossible.  They'll never let more than one person win again not after what we did last year"
"Just trust me. Ok?"
"Ok" he says. 
I don't really have any plans or ideas but he doesn't have to know this.  I know he's only humoring me though...but still somehow there has to be a way for it least Prim and Peeta to stay alive.  At this point I just don't care about Gale.  He's not who I thought he was.  He's mean, angry, and is too much like me.  I could never be with him in a romantic way.  I can only see him as a brother.  I know this now. 
I'm taken out of my trance by Peeta pointing to the sunset which has now turned dark blue with bright orange, yellow and light purple. 
"Wow" is all that escapes my mouth. 
"I love you Katniss" I hear Peeta whisper in my ear.
"I love you too Peeta." 
Our love is sealed with a kiss. As our lips touch my body comes alive. Electricity coursing through my body as I feel Peeta's hand on my neck pulling our lips closer.  I run my hands through his blonde locks and let my tongue enter his mouth which he obediently allows and I hear a slight moan coming from my mouth as out mouths become in sync other each other.  Once we have to pull up for air I whisper "can I spend the night in here?"   "Of course love" He replies as we crawl into bed.
I fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me and my head listening to his heartbeat.   I only think of him and my love for him as I fall asleep.  Not the games, not the tributes, not the training center I'll have to go in tomorrow.  Nothing but Peeta and our love.

A/N — I'm so sorry for not updating sooner.  Family from out of town came and they left today so I was really sad but now I'm fine. I hope you liked this chapter. I'll hopefully update tomorrow.  Love you guys.

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