Chapter 8

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Peeta and I have been home for a couple months now.  Everything has been changing in all the districts.  You can tell things are changing because there's a different feeling surrounding everyone. 
They have given each district new peacekeepers and out new peacekeepers are awful. They whip people in front of the whole square.  The fence is also almost always charged making it even harder for me to see Gale.  Not that I really want to because out last encounters have been very awkward, but he's still my best friend. 
I've been giving Hazel meat from the hob when Gale is in the mines because I can't go across the fence anymore to hunt.  Peeta and I have been a lot closer and with our wedding coming up after the games I've had to try on different wedding dresses and play the part of that. 
The quarter quell is being announced tonight and I'm a little nervous.  Prim is nervous too and I keep having to convince her that she'll be ok and I won't let them be able to take her to the games. 
Little did I know I was completely wrong. 

"Katniss!" My mother calls. "The announcement for the quarter quell is on! Come over here quickly!"
"Coming" I reply from the kitchen.

I see my greatest enemy, Snow on the screen with his black eyes and rose in his lapel.

"Today is the day we'll be announcing the third quarter quell!" He announces as everyone from the Capitol cheers. 
He pulls out a small piece of paper from a big bowl and starts to read it out loud.  "To prove that even the strongest can fail the remaining pool of victors will be reaped again. With them people from the ages 10-20 will also be reaped with them in the districts." Snow announces. 


That's all that I can hear.

I run out the door to Peeta's house. 

"PEETA!!!!" I scream banging on the door. 

"Katniss" He says softly pulling me into a hug. 

I'm weeping now and all I can think of is fear......nothing else......fear. 
I was supposed to be safe.  My family was supposed to be safe. How can this happen. 

"Peeta, w-what am I g-gonna d-do??" I question tears still streaming down my face. 

"We're gonna get through this Katniss, I don't know how but we will."

"But what if they-" I am stopped by Peeta kissing me and I just melt into him.  Trying to get away from reality with his kiss. 

"Listen to me Katniss,everything is gonna be ok."

"But what if Prim-" I whisper.  Oh god what if her name is picked.  What am I gonna do.

"Katniss they're not gonna pick Prim, there's such a small chance she'll be picked."

"That's what I thought last time.....but I can't save her now".

That night I stayed at Peeta's house and just called my mom saying I'll see her in the morning.  

"Katniss where are you?" Prim asks
"I'm right here Prim!" I say but she can't see me. 
"Katniss I'm scared there's someone watching me".
"Prim watch out!!" I scream as I see Snow behind her with a knife. 
"Now Ms.Everdeen, If only you didn't pull out those berries." He says as his eyes gleam with red. 
"No! Please don't kill her! Kill me! I'll do Anything!  Don't kill her please!" I scream. 
"I'm sorry but it's too late for that Ms.Everdeen" he says as he jabs the knife in Prim and she screams.  Then her eyes go black and she says
"This was your fault"
—end of nightmare—
"Katniss it's not real! Wake up!" Peeta says as I wake up shaking and screaming. 

"I'm s-sorry" I say tears still glistening in my face.

"It's ok" he says holding me, Whispering soothing words as I fall back asleep listening to his heartbeat as I fall back into darkness. 

Today is the day of the reaping. 
The day I've been dreading for a couple weeks now.  Peeta, Haymitch and I have been training like careers now and I've been training others who want to as well because now no one is safe. 

Effie is wearing a butterfly dress with a fake monarch butterfly headband.  She's also wearing a golden wig.  She says it's to match my Mockingjay pin. 
She looks more real than she did last year and not so fake with Capitol crap all over her. 

I've made deals with Haymitch to keep Peeta alive but I know he's probably made the same deals with Peeta. 

After everyone the ages 10-20 get in line and all the victors are set up Effie clears her throat and makes an introduction playing that god awful video from the Capitol.  Once it's over she says "May the odds be ever in your favor. As always ladies first."

There are four bowls in all holding everyone's name.  One set of the male and female victors and one set of the male and females who are 10-20 years old. She chooses the victors first of corse.  She goes to the female victor bowl and says "Katniss Everdeen" white tears in her eyes.  I only shed one tear and stand next to her. She then pulls the name of the females 10-20 years old and says "Primrose Everdeen". I am in utter shock. Not my little duck.  Not my sister. Not again. 
There are gasps everywhere as Prim walks up next to me.  When I see her I just hug her and whisper "it's going to be ok" even though I know it's not. 

Then Effie goes to the male tributes.  "Haymitch Abernathy" she says and sighs with relief. 
"I volunteer as tribute" I hear Peeta say. 
"I can't let you do that" Haymitch says.
"You can't stop me.  Let go" Peeta replies and shakes his arm out of Haymitch's grasp. 
Then Effie goes to pull the name of a male 10-20 years old.  "Gale Hawthorne" she says. 

I'm going into that arena with the three people I love most in my life. 

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