Chapter 6

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Haymitch and Effie come running towards me seeing that I am crying as Peeta goes unconscious from the blood loss and Effie starts screaming for some type of medical help. After a couple of minutes someone finally comes to help Peeta and gets a stretcher out for him. Haymitch and I with one of the doctors help Peeta on the stretcher as I hold his hand and whisper comforting words into his ear.
Before they take him away I whisper "Stay with me Peeta, I love you".
I don't know if he was able to hear me but I hope he could.

"Come on sweetheart" Haymitch says as he walks Effie and I back to the train.

After a couple hours we finally hear something back from the doctors and they tell us Peeta is ok but lost a good amount of blood and are looking for someone with his same blood type.
I ask the doctor if I could give him my blood because I remember from the games that we had the same blood type. He says yes and then he takes me to where Peeta is to take my blood and give it to him.

When I see him next to an IV with wires everywhere and on a stretcher with a hospital gown I start sobbing uncontrollably.

"Katniss" I hear him say softly, which makes me run over to his side and take his hand in mine.

"I t-thought I l-lost y-you" I sat making hiccup noises whilst still crying.

"I'll never leave you" he says grasping my hand.

"I love you Peeta" I say softly. All of my feelings for him after realizing he almost died coming to surface. Making me feel overwhelmed with my feelings of love for him. Making me sure of what I just said.

"What did you just say?" He asks. His eyes glistening with tears.

"I love you" I say more confident and sure of myself.

Once Peeta realizes what I say he pulls me close to him putting his lips onto mine and kissing me with passion and I return the kiss getting the same feeling deep in myself that I got with that one kiss in the cave. Once we come up for air he says "I love you too Katniss"

"Stay with me forever Peeta" I say

"Always" he replies.

A/N — OMG I loved writing that chapter and got teary eyed doing it. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to update tonight but it might have to be tomorrow. Thank you for reading this far. <3

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