Superfamily - Injury

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Desc: Peter gets hurt and his dads take care of him. If you don't like descriptions of blood, don't read.
Peter (Spider Man) hits the ground with a groan, the burglar above him holding a gun to his temple. Peters eyes widen under the mask as he realizes what is about to happen. Steve and Tony (Iron Man and Captain America) are across the street occupied with fighting their own bad guys. Peter is out of luck with this one. But wait! He has super strength! He kicks his legs under the man holding him at gun point and knocks the mans feet out from under him. The man hits the ground hard and groans in pain from the sudden change of air getting into his lungs. Peter chuckles as he pushes himself up off the ground and turns to see his fathers tying up the knocked out bad guys they'd beaten up. As they turn to him, a smile lights up Steve's face and Peter assumes Tony is smiling behind the mask. He smiles back as he starts to walk towards them. Steve's smile falters as he becomes alarmed.
"Peter, watch out!" Peter doesn't know why his spidey senses didn't pick it up sooner. But before he notices, the burglar behind him has stood up and shot him in the leg, causing Peter to cry out in pain as the bullet lodges into his skin, tearing his suit. He falls over onto his side, moving to lean against the wall of the closest building and pulling off his mask as Tony and Steve run over to him, one of them knocking the man out and tying him up, the other rushing to Peters side, worry evident on both their faces. Blood has started to flow from the wound and Peters face is etched in pain as a few stray tears slip down his face. He shouldn't be crying, he needs to show his fathers he's capable of doing this with them, but he can't help it.
"Dad, it hurts so bad." Peter whimpers.
"I know baby. It'll be okay, we just have to get you home and then we can fix you up, okay?" Steve tells Peter as he returns his shield to the holder on the back of his suit. Tony is squatting next to Steve and rubbing Peters arm.
"Come on Pete. Stand for me and then we'll get you home." Tony says as the two help Peter into a standing motion. The teenager winces in pain, keeping his weight off his injured leg. Tony picks the kid up being careful of his leg, before flying away to the tower, Steve following fast on his motorcycle. As Tony flies through the air he can hear Peter crying against his chest, eyes squeezed shut.
"It's okay, Pete. Just hold on a little longer for me." He lands at the door of the tower.
"FRIDAY, open the door and alert Mr. Banner that Peter is in need of a doctor." There is a slight pause before a reply: "I'm sorry sir, but Mr. Banner is out tonight because of the hulk." Tony sighs at the response as he walks through the now opened door and takes the elevator to the med bay. Once the doors open, he lays Peter down on one of the multiple beds in the med bay as more tears roll down Peters face.
"Hey, Pete, babe. Are you okay?" No answer from the crying teenager, as more blood seems to flow from the wound. "Babe, answer me please." Tony begs as he hears a motorcycle stop below the building. A few minutes later — Tony spends most of this time worrying over Peter — Steve comes running to the med bay to make sure his son is okay, worry evident across his face. He cups Peters face in his hands, wiping away his sons tears.
"Hey, Pete, shh it'll be okay. We're going to fix you okay?" Peter just moans in pain. His spidey senses will help heal the wound faster but they also mean he'll feel it more than a normal person would. The pain is excruciating.
"Please hurry." He whispers, scrunching his eyes shut against the pillow. Tony and Steve shoot each other a worried look. Steve gently tells Peter that they'll have to remove the bullet and stitch him up themselves because Bruce is absent. Peter just nods, not really able to pay attention to what his dad is saying. After the two older men look around for morphine and can't find any, they give Peter a towel to bite down on.
"Peter, baby, I don't want you to have to go through this but we can't find any morphine, so you just have to wait it out, okay?" Steve kisses Peter's sweaty forehead and brushes his hair out of his eyes. "I love you so much, it'll be over soon." Giving his sons hand a squeeze, he walks back over to Tony to take the tweezers from him. Steve had had little medical training during the war but he could pull a bullet out of skin fairly easy depending on where it was lodged. He wipes some of Peters blood away and can see metal gleaming up at him from the opening in his sons skin. He lets out a breath as he leans down to see, moving the instrument toward the wound. He moves the tweezers into the opening and grasps the bullet as Peter flinches, feeling them graze against his skin as they go in. Steve hesitates, watchful for a moment, seeing him flinch before starting to pull the bullet out of his leg. Tony watches as Steve gets the bullet halfway out and Peter lets out a cry, clamping down onto the towel with his teeth to stifle the noise of his sobs. Tony goes over and rubs circles into Peters back.
"Almost done. Hang on for a few more seconds Pete."
Peter is crying, sweat covering his shaking body as he wishes for it to be over. "Please...make it stop!" He weeps loudly as Steve pulls the rest of the bullet out before setting the tools down and rushing over to his son.
"Shh shh, it's okay baby. It's all over. Shh. You're okay, you're okay." Steve rubs Peters back as he kisses the boys forehead multiple times. He takes the towel from the teens mouth and places it elsewhere as he whispers nothings to him. Once Peter has stopped crying, Steve asks Tony to get some spare clothes and a washcloth filled with cool water for him. The man leaves as Steve hugs the shaking teen.
"I love you, Peter. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I should have kept you safe." Peter shakes his head tiredly at his dads claim.
"No. It's not your fault. I-i should've tied him up after I caught 'em." Steve doesn't reply as Tony comes back with the things he asked for. Steve finds some bandages and ointment and wraps Peters leg gently, trying not to bump the sensitive area. Once he's finished he walks back to Peters side.
"Hey Peter? Your dad and I are going to help you change. Is that okay?" He receives a yawn and a nod from Peter, causing him to smile at his sleepy son. Tony helps the teen to the edge of the bed and gets him changed before picking him up and moving him to his and Steve's bedroom. After laying Peters tired form in the bed, the two men change into more comfy clothes and climb in with him.
"I love you Pete. Don't scare us like that again." Tony whispers to the now sleeping kid.
"Yeah." Steve agrees as the three fall into a much needed sleep, cuddling throughout the night.

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