Steve/Bucky - I'm Right Here

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Synopsis: Steve gets memories of the war from the tv news when the avengers are together and he panics. Bucky comforts him. (Falcon is next to Steve, Wanda next to Falcon. Across the room is Thor, Peter to his left and Bucky to his left. Clint, Nat, and Tony on the middle couch.
Hey, give me back the popcorn!" Clint yells as Natasha steals the bowl from him, chuckling. Steve is flipping through tv channels trying to find something to watch.
"Why don't we just put on a movie?" Tony asks as he rolls his eyes, bored at the lack of entertainment on the screen.
"Give me a minute. I'm still looking." Steve explains, clicking the page button again. Tony sighs and leans farther back into the couch cushion. The weekly news is on, talking about an attack in Italy from an unknown group of assassins.
"Here is footage shot during the fight, that was pulled from security cameras." The broadcaster says with a grim face. "At least 4 thousand civilians were shot and killed, as well as imprisoned." The gunshots fill the tv speakers, as the grainy footage shows bodies dropping hundreds at a time; Steve cringes, memories flooding back from the war.
His body locks and he shuts his eyes. He can see all of it.
Bucky dying and being tortured..the footage of Peggy when he dive-bombed into the snow..The dead soldiers laying on the ground..
Everything flashes before his eyes. And before he knows it, he's laying on the ground, quivering from the sudden flashbacks. A hand is placed on his shoulder, all noise foggy and muffled. He doesn't dare open his eyes, in fear of what he'll see. He's sporting a cold sweat, and tears are silently falling down his face. His hearing comes back to him and he can make out his best friend's familiar voice.
"Steve? Steve, hey, open your eyes. It's me, Bucky. I'm right here." The hand moves up and down his arm, rubbing soothing circles against Steve's skin with his thumb. Steve lets out an involuntary shudder and slowly opens his eyes, locking immediately with Bucky's.
He can still see the blood. All the blood. The bodies, mangled and blown to bits. "Ughh." Steve lets out a groan before covering his mouth shakily with his hand. His head is pounding.
"Gon- puke!" He gags into his hand before a can is placed below him, as he expels the contents of his stomach into it. The others look confused and helpless as Bucky whispers small sentences to Steve, who breathes in shallowly.
"There you go, it's okay." Bucky rubs Steve's back as he returns to the situation. Everyone is looking at him. Natasha's face is a look of concern along with Tony and Thor's. Clint is looking down at his hands and Sam is giving him a reassuring smile. It's okay. Don't worry about us, he says with his eyes. Steve lastly looks at Peter, whose face is a look of fear and confusion. The sight breaks his heart. Peter shouldn't have to see him this way. None of them should. He braces his shaky hand on the carpeted floor and starts to push himself up.
"Are you sure?" Bucky asks him and he nods. He needs to be strong. He pushes himself up and Bucky helps him by holding his waist in case he falls. He makes it onto the couch and lets out a deep breath.
"Sorry, guys." His face reddens as he shakily wipes away the tears that fell down his face.
"It's okay, Steve." Tony says, concern laced in his voice as Bucky sits next to Steve once more, gently placing his hand in his. Steve squeezes it and the soldier does likewise. There's the ruffle of clothing and then Peter is standing in front of Steve, fidgeting slightly. He hesitates before leaning down and wrapping his arms around the soldier's middle, pushing his head of brown hair against his chest. Steve is surprised before he wraps his arms around Peter as well, resting his head on top of the spider kid's shoulder. He places the palm of his hand on Peter's head.
"Thanks Peter." He whispers into his ear and the teenager replies,
"Anything for my favorite Captain."
Soon enough, Peter has fallen asleep on Steve's chest, legs resting on either side of him, snoring slightly into his neck. The soldier falls asleep also and Tony takes a picture, because could he not?
Hope you enjoyed!

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