Tom/RDJ - Ex

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Tom rested his head on Roberts shoulder as he sighed. They were swaying slowly to the music finding comfort in each others arms. Roberts hands resided on Toms waist and Toms on his back.
"I'm sorry Robert, you don't deserve me. I'm just a burden." Robert was surprised at the mumbled claim that escaped Toms lips. Where was this coming from?
"No, Tom. That's not true! What could possibly make you think that?" Tom shook his head, not wanting to look at his boyfriend he was letting down.
"I just..I'm always making a mess of things. Whenever I show up everything goes haywire. I can't go anywhere without doing something wrong." Robert pulled Toms head off his shoulder, looking his boyfriend in the eyes. How could this sweet, kind, amazing, brave man think of himself this way??
"Tom, I have loved you ever since I set eyes on you all those years ago. You're kind and loyal and selfless and brave. You're sweet and beautiful and you are so so strong. I can't imagine losing you. If I did I'd fall apart. Please don't leave me. Don't do this to us." He could see hurt in Toms eyes. The soft slow song continued to play as the two had stopped moving in the middle of the dance floor. Tears welled up in Toms eyes at Roberts words. As one slipped down his face, Robert wiped it away with his index finger and pulled Tom in for a hug. The other man was reluctant at first but eventually gave in to it. He would miss these hugs. He could remember one time when he and tony were slow dancing in the living room. He felt so peaceful and calm and loved. How was he going to leave like this? He started to tremble at the thought of losing Robert. Why had he even thought of breaking up, especially like this.
"I'm sorry Robert. I-i don't want to break up. I-i can't lose you. You're part of me and if I left I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I love you." Robert let out a sigh of relief as he kissed his boyfriends head and they both enjoyed the feeling of swaying in each other's arms as the song came to a close.

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