Peter/Tony - Panic Attack

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"Bye Karen."
"Bye Peter."
Peter landed with a soft thud on the floor of his room at the base, pulling off his mask as his suit loosened with a push on his chest. He tiredly headed to his master-size bathroom, stripping off his Spider Man suit, before turning the shower knob and stepping under the hot water. The water fell down his back and shoulders as his tension disappeared down the drain.
Today he'd almost dropped a girl from a building after his web shooters ran out; he used his super strength to pull her up to safety. Even though he was used to being Spider Man, sometimes he was still afraid of screwing up. He didn't want to disappoint anyone.
He got out of the shower after cleaning up, before moving back to his bedroom to find clothes.
"Hey FRIDAY. Where's Mr. Stark?" He asked the AI as he moved across the room to his closet.
"I'm the lab, Mr. Parker." FRIDAY replied, her voice projecting through the walls as Peter grabbed a T-shirt and sweats. He could hear her perfectly because of his heightened senses, which included sensitive hearing.
"Anytime." The AI went silent as Peter pulled the clothes on. Once finished, Peter exited the closet and meant to go help Mr. Stark in the lab, but he didn't make it farther than the edge of his bed. His sight was becoming blurry and the room swayed. He could feel a migraine forming at the front of his head as he put a hand on the bed for stability.
"FRI, get Mr. Stark p-please." Peter's chest was tightening as he leaned over, falling onto the bed, trying to control his breathing. His breath escaping in short gasps.
"Yes, Peter." He heard the AI's muffled voice as he saw spots dancing in his vision. He couldn't get air into his lungs. He turned to the door as it opened, in walking Aunt May and Ned. They fell to the floor, bleeding out onto the expensive, dark hardwood. He shut his eyes at the scene, whispering 'no' over and over to himself hoping his words would erase what was in front of him.
He felt someone softly touch his arm. No, he didn't want to look at the bodies of his dead Aunt and best friend. A voice called out to him.
"Peter, it's okay." He kept his eyes shut. Again, the voice.
"It's Tony. Look at me. I'm right here." Peter slowly opened his eyes, Mr. Stark's gaze peering down at him in concern. He looked back for a moment, then over at the door. No sign of Ned and May ever being there; no blood stained into the floor, no dead bodies.
He turned back to Mr. Stark."I-I can't b-breathe." Peter's chest was pounding from lack of oxygen and he couldn't think.
"It's okay, Pete. Breathe with me. In and out." Mr. Stark replied, worry evident in his tone. Peter tried to calm down, he really did, but he was too far in his attack to help it. He eyes fluttered shut as everything around him faded to black.
Peter woke to the quiet of the sick bay in the tower. Just him and the beeping of the heart monitor connected to his wrist. He blinked a couple times to remove the crusty feeling from his eyes and looked around. His mouth was dry and tasted gross. Where was everybody?
"Mr. Stark?" No response. He called again, cutting through the silence. "Mr. Stark?" Nothing. I'm all alone, he thought. Alone. No, he didn't want to be alone. He spoke louder as the heart monitor's beeping increased.
"Mr. Stark? Hello?" He felt panic start to creep inside him. His palms got sweaty and a chill ran through his body, down to his toes. The blankets were hot and restraining. He was now almost shouting.
"Mr. Stark?! Anyone?!" He could feel a panic attack coming and he couldn't stop it. His breathing became erratic and he closed his eyes, suddenly tired. A figure came briskly walking through the door, over to him.
"Peter, I'm here, it's okay." Peter barely heard the person. His eyes were still closed.
"I can't..I don't want to be alone." He said weakly, incoherent mumbles escaping his mouth. The person placed their hand in his.
"Shh, please Peter fight it. I'm here and you're not alone. Your Aunt May is at home safe and sound, so are MJ and Ned. We're all here and okay. Just don't leave me again, okay kid?" Tony let out with a sigh, concerned eyes looking down on the tired superhero with worry. "Don't leave me."
Peter could feel himself coming back slowly as he listened to what Tony said. He opened his eyes as his vision gradually returned and he saw the man above him sigh with relief that the kid wasn't out again.
"I won't Mr. Stark, promise." He replied weakly before turning over - his back to the older man - and closing his eyes to sleep, falling almost instantly.
Good, Tony thought, leaning over Peter and giving him a soft kiss on the forehead, before leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind him.
This kid was gonna kill him.

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