Steve x Reader - Bye Grandpa

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This one is based on my personal life. Try to enjoy w/out crying. :(
"Hey, Steve..?" You shuffle over to stand in front of him where he's currently sitting on the couch in the commons of Avengers tower. He looks up at you from the book he's reading and worry grows in his eyes as he takes in your red eyes and puffy cheeks. You've been crying. A lot.
"(Y/n), what's wrong? Are you alright?" He sets his book down without a second thought, standing up and moving towards you. You cover your mouth with your hand to try and quiet a sob but it escapes your lips and you gravitate towards him, clutching onto his soft shirt tightly with your shaking hands as you fall into him. He wraps his arms around your body, enveloping you in his warm embrace.
"Shhh. It's okay. Everything will be okay." He whispers to you as you let out more sobs of despair.
"No it won't..he's not getting better!" Steve furrows his eyebrows.
"Who?" He tries to wrack his brain and think of anyone who you'd mentioned being sick or associated with. He got nothing.
"My grandpa." You gasp for air as your crying makes it hard to breathe. "He hasn't been eating and he barely opens his eyes anymore. My parents think he's gonna leave us in the next few days." Steve holds you tighter. "I don't want him to go!!" You cry out into his chest, sobs wracking your body as your eyes release so many tears. Steve sighs, rubbing his hands along your back and head. Down your smooth hair and soft T-shirt.
"I'm so sorry (y/n). I know how much he means to you. Just pray that he gets better. He loves you. Remember that." You nod as more sobs leave your lips.
"I don't want him to go. It's too hard for my dad. It'll..crush..h-him." You suck up air and let it out, the crying blocking your airways.
"He'll be okay, (y/n)." Steve picks you up slightly and brings you over to the couch, placing you next to him. He brings your hand into his and rubs his thumb over it, soothing you slowly as you lean into his chest, placing your head under his chin. You sit there until you fall asleep peacefully, hoping tomorrow will be better.
(The next day, after school)
"Steve?" You whisper, tears falling down your cheeks into your hair. You wrap your arms around your waist, hugging yourself as you walk out of the elevator and into the hallway of the Avengers bedrooms. Coming up to his door, you knock quietly, before wiping the newly fallen tears off your face with the same hand. You sniffle as he opens the door, dressed in a blue shirt and sweats. Seeing your state, he steps through the doorway and wraps you in his arms, immediately enclosing you in a warm hug. A sob escapes your lips and you fist your hands in his shirt.
"St-Steve..he..he's gone..!" You wail as he pets your hair.
"Shh. Shh. It's okay, (y/n). It's okay."
"I didn't get to say goodbye..." Your voice dies and Steve sighs.
"I'm sorry, hun. I guess it was just time for him to leave. But the ones we love never really leave us." (Sorry for the HP reference lol)
"Thanks." You say, moving out of his embrace to wipe away your tears.
"I know..I know this is weird, but could you come to the funeral Friday? I don't think I can go alone." Your voice breaks at the end.
"Of course, (y/n). Anything for you, sweetie. I'll be there." (I love pet names calm down)
You wrap your arms back around Steve.
"Thank you." You feel him nod against your shoulder, holding you for the longest time, just swaying in the hallway. You'd be okay with him by your side.

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