Steve x Reader - Period

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Synopsis: You're on your period & Steve finds you in bed. You're a superhero with heightened senses, so cramps hurt a lot more. Steve and Bruce help you. (This isn't completely medically accurate)
"Go away, just please go away." You mutter to your cramps, tears springing to your eyes. It feels like they're turning your stomach inside out and you're too tired to get out of bed and find any form of relief. A few tears fall down your face as you lay there staring at the ceiling. A knock on your bedroom door causes you to jump, your headache spiking in response.
"Tony, I swear to god if that's you I'll hunt you down and kill you with your own armor." You grit out, as another cramp causes you to shudder.
Hearing a chuckle from outside the door, Steve's voice floats through it.
"I hope Tony is far out of reach then." You start to sit up, knowing Steve can't see you weak. Besides, it's just period cramps. Get a grip! You yell in your head, and every movement you make sitting up sends shards of pain into your body. "Can I come in, (y/n)?"
You breathe out a sigh of pain before replying, brushing your matted hair with your fingers to look slightly more presentable as Steve opens the door and walks in. He takes in your form; tears drying under your red, swollen eyes, sheets pushed down to the end of the bed, hand resting on your stomach, face scrunched in pain behind your weak facade to show Steve that you're fine when you actually feel like you're dying.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" You hesitate before shaking your head no, any thoughts you'd just had of acting normal blown out the window. A sharp pang in your gut sends a cry from your lips, and Steve is next to you in a second. You scrunch over yourself, holding your stomach as the pain doubles. You can't breathe; it feels like your uterus is being stabbed continuously. Your eyes are scrunched shut and your breathing is labored. Your periods are never this bad. Why is this one any different?
"(Y/N), what's wrong? What's happening?" Steve looks over your pained features, brushing his eyes over your hand placed on your stomach. Worry fills his baby blue eyes and he doesn't know what to do. Tears fall down your cheeks and little gasps escape your lips.
"G-get B-Bruce." You cry out and he nods. He leaves the room quickly, giving you one last scared glance before running down the hall to the stairs.
"Bruce, it's-it's (y/n)." Steve tells Bruce out of breath as the super soldier stands in the doorway of the medical wing. "She needs help!" Bruce nods and springs into action, grabbing his bag of supplies before following Steve out the door to your room.
While Steve is gone, the pain goes down a bit and you can finally take a breath. You wipe the tears away with the back of your hands and move your legs to the edge of the bed. Pushing up from the bed, your vision sways and black dots appear When your feet land on the hardwood floor. You freeze, allowing your eyesight to return and slowly make your way to the bathroom. Leaning on the doorway, you grip the counter with the pads of your fingers. You're really tired suddenly.
I need to sit down, you think and your legs shake as you bend down to sit on the bathroom floor. A migraine pounds your head and you feel nauseated.
You groan and hold your head. Your whole body is shaking and the spots are returning, making the room look speckled.
Breathing lightly, you move to lay down, pressing your head against the cold tile. It soothes the pain just slightly and you sigh in relief, closing your eyes.
"S-Steve..Steve please..." You sigh, feeling completely and utterly hopeless.
"Mr. Rogers. I'd advise you to hurry. Mrs. (Y/L/N) seems to be in distress." Vision says and hearing this, the two Avengers move quickly back into your room. Steve takes one worried glance at your empty bed before hurrying to your bathroom. He enters the doorway to find you on the floor and Bruce stands behind him.
"(Y/N), tell me what's wrong so I can help." Bruce says as Steve moves to the far side of the bathroom near your face.
You open your eyes slowly and whimper. "My h-head is killing me and it feels like my stomach's exploding." Steve grabs your hand in his, worry making his palms sweat. "I-I feel like I'm gonna be sick and I'm r-really dizzy." You move your free hand to your head, as Bruce digs around in his bag. He pulls out a small iPad like device and taps it a couple times, pulling up your medical information. Understanding dawns across his face and he turns the tablet off.
"Okay, (Y/N), can we move you back to the bed?" Bruce asks and you nod weakly. "Steve could you give me a hand please?" Steve positions his hands under your waist and picks you up, moving you carefully back to your bed. He pulls the covers back over you and you hold your stomach again, the pain returning.
"I'm gonna go get you some dimenhydrinate to help with the nausea and dizziness and then I'll be right back. Okay?" He grabs his bag and walks to your bedroom door.
"Steve watch her while I'm gone. I'll be as quick as I can." Steve nods and sits on the edge of your bed, placing his hand on yours while rubbing small circles into it with his thumb.
After Bruce gets back, he gives you the medicine and leaves, telling you to come get him if anything changes or gets more severe. You thank him tiredly and lay your head down on your pillows, Steve still sitting on the edge of your bed rubbing your hand. You close your eyes to try and sleep, Steve being there only a little weird. You're almost asleep when a cramp punches your stomach. Steve sees you wince and you wake up, a small groan leaving your lips.
"(Y/N), you alright? He whispers gently, watching you with careful eyes. You nod, then shake your head the opposite direction.
"My cramps aren't going away...I just want to sleep." You mumble, tears brimming in your eyes at the horrible day you've had.
Steve squeezes your hand and lets go before crawling up the bed and getting under the covers. You're confused until he leans against your backside, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his hands on your stomach. His body runs hot because of the serum and he's almost like a personal heating pad. His hands soothe your cramps quickly and soon your eyes are slipping shut.
"I've got you (y/n). I've got you."
You both fall asleep in each other's arms, Bruce coming back later and taking a photo to remember the cute moment.

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