Loki x Peter (x Tony) - Faint

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Longer chapter!! Enjoy!
Peter walked into the Avengers tower, back from a mission and he was famished. He hadn't eaten anything since that morning and he walked straight to the fridge, clad in his Spider-Man suit. Grabbing a few granola bars and an apple, he made his way to his room. He opened the door with one hand, while holding the food in the other. Once in his room, he ate the apple and stripped himself from his suit. He took a much-needed shower and put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt before laying on his queen-size bed, staring at the ceiling.
"Sir Parker." Vision spoke through invisible speakers as Peter replied, "Yes?"
"The Avengers are having a meeting in the commons and request you be there immediately." Peter groaned as he moved his tired limbs off the bed and opened his door, before shuffling out.
"Ah, Peter, you're here." Tony addressed the teen as he walked curiously into the room. The others were already there (Steve, Nat, Bruce, Tony, Clint, and Thor).
"Mr. Stark, what's going on?" Tony pulled the boy into his side with his arm, and ruffled Peter's hair.
"Someone is coming to the Avengers tower and is going to live with us." Peter's eyes lit up in excitement.
"Really? Who??" He waited for an answer. The elevator door dinged, as Tony gestured to the elevator, "See for yourself."
The door opened and Peter stared back at emerald eyes, pale skin, pink lips, and raven black hair. The man was dressed in a green jump suit and gold cloak that draped on the floor as he walked. Loki. Peter gasped in surprise and Loki smirked.
"Hello, Peter. I am Loki, God of Mischief." He sauntered forward and came to stop in front of Peter. The others just watched to see what would happen between the two. Peter said excitedly, "Mr. Stark, you never told me Loki was coming here!"
Tony said, "I didn't know until two days ago, Kid." Loki chuckled at the teens amusement and turned to the others. Peter watched as they said hello and dispersed.
"Hey Loki, follow me." Peter said as he walked to the elevator and pushed the button.
"Why?" The god asked as he followed slowly.
"Because I think you'll like something I'm gonna show you." Loki rolled his eyes at the teens blandness, but walked in behind Peter. They went up three floors and as the doors opened, Loki stood frozen in place. They had reached the training floor and it was huge. There were mats on the floor and weapon racks along the walls. Anything you could need. But what Loki was interested in the most was the line of knives sitting on a rack, all shapes, sizes and colors. He walked over and brushed his fingertips over the edge of one. Picking it up, he smiled as he turned it with his fingers.
"Thank yo.." Loki paused mid sentence as he stared at Peter, who was leaning against a wall, pale and shaky. Loki put the knife back, walked over to him and placed his cold hand on Peters arm. Peter was burning up.
"Peter? Are you feeling alright?" He asked as he felt the teenager flinch.
Peter felt so weak, he could barely keep his eyes open. He hadn't eaten enough and now his blood sugar was low. Not to mention his metabolism made him hungrier than normal people. He was trembling slightly and could see spots dancing in his vision. Loki appeared in front of him and he couldn't hear what was escaping his lips; everything was muffled. His eyes shut in exhaustion and he forgot everything as he fell, legs crumpling beneath him.
"Great gods." Loki cursed as Peter fell and he barely caught him. Laying the kid down on the floor, he leaned over him and tapped his cheek. Peters eyes were closed and his breathing was really shallow. Fainted, Loki thought as he picked the kid up and got into the elevator, going down three floors to the others.
When he got there, he looked around for anyone.
"Hey, Lo..." Tony turned from his spot on the couch to see Peter draped in Loki's arms. His eyes widened.
"What happened?!" His face displayed worry and confusion as he got up, swiftly walking over to the God with the spider-kid in his arms.
"Peter took me to the training room, then he passed out." Tony nodded as he took the comatose teenager from Loki's arms and headed for the medical wing, the god of mischief close behind.
"FRIDAY, tell Bruce I need him in the med wing."
"Already done, sir." Tony sighed as he reached the door and could see Bruce setting up a bed for Peter. FRIDAY opened the door and Tony walked in with Loki, telling Bruce the situation as he placed Peters limp body down, making sure his head was resting okay against the pillow. Bruce put an IV in the teenagers arm as he connected a bag with clear liquid on a hook by the bed. He placed a cold cloth on the teenagers head and felt his neck and cheeks.
"He's famished. Hasn't eaten all day; I've given him some fluids to keep him hydrated. When he wakes up he can eat something."
Phew, Loki and Tony both sighed in relief. He'd be okay.
(A few hours later)
Peter opened his eyes, and blinked the sleep from them. His stomach hurt. Moving his hand, he rubbed his face and noticed a beeping to his right. It was a heart monitor, connected to his finger. He pulled the thing off and pushed back the covers, before moving his legs to the edge of the bed.
Positioning his palms on the mattress, he stood on shaky legs. Not a second later, his body fell. Before he could save himself, his head hit the floor with a thump, and he cried out, holding it in his hands. He felt dizzy and his eyes started to shut as he heard footsteps racing down the hallway to his room.
"Help..." Peter whimpered as Tony, Bruce, and Loki ran in to find him on the floor.
"Peter! What happened?!" Tony panicked as he held the kids head in his hands.
"Dad, he-help." Peter's eyes slid shut and Tony cursed.
"Please not again. Pete, stay with me!" All of their eyes widened and fear ebbed into their bodies as his eyes stayed shut for the second time that day.
"Peter I'm so sorry. I should've been here to help you when you woke up." Tony sighed. "This is all my fault." He rested his head in his hands, closing his eyes.
Peter groaned, opening his eyes to the bright light of the med wing once again. "It's not your fault, sir." His voice was hoarse, his throat hurt, and his lips were dry and cracked. Tony looked up and leaned towards the teenager, giving him a small kiss on the forehead after moving his hair out of the way. He knew he wasn't a very emotional guy, but that didn't mean he didn't care for Peter like a son.
"Can I have some water, Mr. Stark?" Tony nodded and found him a glass, which Peter gladly chugged.
"Peter," Tony asked after taking the glass from the teenager, "why haven't you been eating? Are you...are you starving yourself?" Peter shook his head so fast his head spun.
"No! I just didn't eat enough for my metabolism. I was so busy I didn't notice until it was too late." Tony nodded. Thank god it wasn't that bad.
"Okay kid. Well, Bruce has you on fluids and you get to eat later today, so."
"M'kay. Thanks, sir."
Tony nods, leaves the room and Peter flops his head back on the pillow, tired again. As Peter closes his eyes, Tony walks past him, peering through the window and smiling softly as the kid curls up in his blankets and sleeps.

I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.

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