Peter/Tony - Please Stay With Me

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Small mention of rape.
"HE-HELP! NO! PLEASE!" Peter awoke with a scream, frantic eyes tearing around the room searching for the man. The man who'd caused him so much pain. He was shaking from head to toe, he couldn't stop the trembling. Sweat seeped through his clothes and his sheets and his hair was damp.
"Please..." he whispered as his scared eyes searched the room once more. Once he was sure no one was here, he shakily pulled back the covers and moved to stand. Immediately his legs buckled and he hit his head on the floor with a thump.
"Shit." He exclaimed as he felt his head pound from the impact. He blinked trying to regain his eyesight.
"Mr. Stark. Help me please. I need you." He called out to the quiet of his room in the tower. Tony rushed into the room after FRIDAY alerted him, finding the teen on the ground holding his head and crying. He hurried over to the shaking Peter and pulled him into his arms sitting with him on the floor.
"Hey hey. Pete, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Tony's eyes scanned over the teen trying to find any injuries.
"I-I had a n-nightmare and this man was trying to r-rape me." Peter's voice shook with sobs as Tony pulled the kid into a hug. "He-I couldn't find anyone and he started to beat me up. I woke up and I-I thought he was in here before I started to go get you and then I fell." Tony shushed the kid and whispered soothing things in his ear to calm him down. Once Peters cries died down Tony leaned back to see the kids eyes. He wiped a tear from them.
"Better now?" He asked. Peter nodded before starting to get up. Tony helped him up before he lead the shaky kid into the bathroom to take a quick shower while he changed his sheets. When Peter came out he crawled under the covers and lay his head against the pillow. Tony made sure he was comfortable before starting for the door.
"Goodnight, Pete." Peter sat up on his elbow and called out.
"Mr. Stark?" Tony turned around to face the kid, his hand on the doorknob.
"Will you stay with me? I just don't want to be alone if I have another, you know, nightmare." The teen looked down at his lap as Tony walked back over to the bed before sitting down and letting Peter lean on his shoulder.
"Of course Peter. I'll always be here if you need me. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow we're going to work on a new design for your suit." Peter nodded in excitement as he fell asleep, Tony brushing his hand through Peters hair before falling asleep next to him.

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