(Loki) The Smiler pt. 2

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"What do you mean by that?" Loki asked. You just shivered. "Tony. Stark. Killed. Me." You said, slower.

"Then how are you still here?" Your vision was blackening. "L-Loki please, h-help me. ." You lost all consiousness.

~ Loki ~

My heart fluttered a bit when she said my name, but I pushed that away. I picked her up softly.

Soon I arrived at the only place that could help. Avengers' Tower. I ran in, carrying her. I felt her heartbeat, it was faint.

"Thor!" I called. He came, and saw the Smiler, with her mask. "You did it, brother!" The rest appeared, surrounding me.

"She is fatally wounded." I said. Bruce nodded, taking her to the lab. "Do you know who she is?" Stark asked me.

"I know why she hates us- you." I looked directly at Stark. "Why me?!" He growled. "She says you killed her, is this true?"

Cap' looked at me, then Tony. He sighed. "I don't know. Besides, how is she alive if she is dead? It has no scientific explanation."

~ You, a few hours later. ~

Your eyes opened. You were in a glass capsule. You moved your fingers to your face. Your mask was on.

You began to shout, banging at the glass. You hated small spaces, it scared you to death. "She's awake!"

You looked at saw Dr. Banner. Your eyes widened. Shit, shit, shit, no, not this place! The capsule was filling itself with the inky blackness.

"Please calm down!" Banner told me. I saw Tony, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, and Loki watching.

I grabbed the tubes in my arms, ripping them out. The capsule was almost filled, Banner was fidgeting.

"Get her out of there," Loki told Banner. He shook his head. "What if she attacks?" Loki glared.

You completely vanished into the darkness. Two fears activate, being alone in the dark, and small spaces.

You screamed under the darkness. "Let me go! Please help me!" You grabbed the mask, and slammed it against the glass. It shattered, the darkness falling like carbon dioxide.

You put the mask on quickly.

You jumped up, looking at them. You stopped at Stark. "You." Your voice was cold.

You walked towards him, ignoring everything. You placed a finger under his chin, and scratched him.

"You killed me, Stark." Somebody grabbed you from behind, and he kicked.

"Shush, stop fighting." You looked at Loki. "How did Stark kill you?" He asked.

"You never told them? Low, Anthony."  Captain looked at him. "What does she mean?"

You vanished, and appeared right next to Captain. "You've never seen his underground lab, have you?" You whispered in his ear.

You grabbed his hand, as well as Loki's. All three of you vanished, and appeared in a dark room.

Capsules lined the wall. "I was his precious mouse, or, lab rat." You smiled under the mask. "I was turned into this, a corrupter. He killed me, but I was given another bite of the pie."

You let go of their hands, and waved. Secretly, tears fell from your eyes. They fell to the floor. "I guys you know now." Loki walked towards you, but you appeared behind him.

You pushed him into a capsule, and did the same to Captain. You left, sighing.

"Goodbye, boys."

You looked at Loki, who was standing right in front of you.

"Don't go." He whispered. I shook my head, before vanishing.

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