Accidents Happen

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"Y/n! Just- Just shut up! Please!" You stared, eyes wide at your boyfriend— Pietro Maximoff. You blinked.

"Look, this isn't working! You aren't committed like me!" You felt the tears in your eyes, but you refused to cry in front of him.

"Oh, I see. Even after what I've done— I'm not committed? Hah! T-Thats so humorous. ." Your voice betrayed you, of course.

You stormed out of that building, getting in your car. Tears blurred your vision as you began to drive. You could barely see in the night— it didn't help that you were crying. Maybe that's how it happened.

It was like slow motion. You looked as the blinding light sped towards you. Your eyes widened as the front of the car came in contact with the side of your own car. You felt the car flip, landing on the roof. You dangled by the seat beat, feeling so light headed.

Everything went black.

~ Pietro ~

I heard the deafening honking, and heard the loud smash. My heart raced. It couldn't have been her car— could it? I was now face to face with the car that had flipped. It was her car. I rushed to the side, pulling the busted door off. I pulled her limp, bloody body from the upside down car. Tears fell onto her shirt as I held her close to my chest.

The ambulance arrived and pried her from my arms. "What are you to her?" The man asked. "I'm her- her b-boyfriend. ." The man nodded, closing the door as they sped off, siren wailing and lights flashing. I got up from my crouched position and ran beside them.

~ You ~

It was so cold. So dark. I wanted to feel the warm embrace from my mother, father, brother, but mostly Pietro. My eyes opened, but I wasn't in my body. I was hovering above it. I gasped, looking around. You saw Pietro, holding your head while he was asleep by your bedside. He jolted up when he heard the deafening beeping of the monitor fall into a long, single line. You floated down, trying to enter your own body again. Someone appeared, she was wearing golden clothes. "Oh, my dear, you were so young." She muttered. You floated towards her. "P-Please let me back! I don't want to die yet!" The doctors rushed in, beginning the process of trying to revive you.

The woman softly sighed. "One more chance." She said, softly smiling, before she snapped. Your eyes flew open, as you gasped for air. You were alive again.

~ A month later ~

Pietro had avoided you for the entire time. After your were revived he didn't visit when you were awake. You knew he felt guilty. You were going home today, you'd see him again.

You doubted yourself. You weren't together anymore, he made that apparent when he yelled at you that night. You shook off the thoughts as he slid into the car. The driver stopped outside the Tower, and there to greet you was the entire team, except Pietro. Your heart tangled, but you smiled as you were engulfed by them. You wondered if they knew what happened.

"We were so worried." Steve muttered, rubbing your arm. You smiled, nodding. "I was worried too."

After a few hours, you sat in your room reading (f/b) under the dim reading light. You heard the door opened quickly and close quietly, before feeling a rush of air, and before you knew it Pietro was sitting right besides you. He looked at you sadly. "Y/n, I am zough, zough zorry." He began. "If I hadn't yelled at you zat night, you could have been safe." You carressed his cheek. "Pietro, it's okay, believe me." He stared longingly at your lips, before leaning in slowly. You turned your head.

"Pietro, aren't we, y'know, over?" His eyes widened. "Y/n, I–" You cut him off with a quick kiss. "I hope not." You said quickly. Pietro smirked. "Oh did I miss you." Then he kissed you again, though for longer.

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