(Avengers) Sentiment +2+

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"Who the hell are you?" Tony said, stepping forward. Thorina raised Mjolnir, her face contorted to one of fear, and strength. "Stay back!" She growled. Cline pulled out her bow, standing in front of the couch. Tonia was still out cold. Steve seemed confused, but shook it off. "Who are you?" He asked, softly.

Cline aimed her arrows at them. "I am  Ju- Cline Barton." Thorina blinked. "I am j- Thorina. We apologize for the sudden intrude. We honestly have no idea how we arrived in this, dimension." Tony scoffed. Steve seemed captivated by what the girls said. "Why do you look like us? You have our weapons and everything." Tony said. Tonia sat up, saw the Avengers, and laughed. "Oh shit, it's Capsicle and the douchebag of Tony Tower!"

Thorina kicked Tonia's shin. "The fuck? That hurt! Jarvis, get my suit." Tonia's suit fit snuggly over her. "Much better. Hey, where's Sidna?- I mean Lokia?" A new face appeared. It was Loki. He was bind up. "There's a female version of me?" Thorina nodded. "My sister is Lokia. She escaped with a scepter, and a tesseract, a few minutes ago." Thorina cringed at her words. She yet again felt conflicted.

The Avengers just gaped. "Alright, introductions anyone?" Tonia said. The tension broke. "I'm Captain Steve Roger-" Tonia cut in. "We know, Cap. We're big fans." Thorina cleared her throat. "I am Thorina Odinson. I am the goddess of Asgard. My sister, Lokia, is the youngest in the family." Thor and Loki shared a glance. "I'm Cline Barton, of, uh, I don't really know." Tonia smirked. "I'm Tonia Stark, and there's not much else." Tony looked at Clint, they shared a confused glance.

"So, let me get this straight, You are from another dimension? Are you hero's there?" Thorina shook her head. "No, we are fanfiction authors and readers. The only reason we believe we came was because of our side personas. We are you, but female. I drew the designs. It fits perfectly." Cline and Tonia nodded in agreement. "Lokia is still on the loose, she's a fiesty bitch." Tonia said, rubbing her bruised jaw.

"Hah! That sounds just like my brother, Loki!" Thor Pat Loki's back. "Shut up, you big oaf!" Thorina stifled a laugh. Loki reminded her of her own sister.

"In your dimension, your names are actually Lokia, Thorina, Cline, and Tonia?" Thor asked. Tonia shook her head. "I'm Kate, pleasure." Tonia let the suit go. "I'm Julianna," Cline put her bow back. "And I am Joki. My sister is Sidna." Mjolnir left as well. Everyone jumped at a sudden voice. "Lokia, pleasure." She held the scepter, smirking.

Tony raised his palm, the beam powering up. Thorina ran, tackling Lokia. The beam missed, barely. "Damnit, Stark!" Thorina yelled. "If you lay a finger on her, I'll kill you!" Tony backed off. Lokia brushed herself off. "Much thanks, sister. Now, there is a bigger problem at hand." Bruce chimed up. "What would that be?"

Lokia sighed, her smirk vanished. "An inter-dimensional portal is about to open. An army of orcs are coming to wipe away the face of this Earth." Natasha almost glared at you. "And how did you know this?" She spat. Lokia laughed. "Oh, Natasha. I obviously went to Asgard, talking with Odin, and he warned me."

Thor couldn't get his eyes off Thorina, or, Joki. She wasn't as tall, or as muscular as him, but her strength showed in her eyes, something he admired deeply. Thorina didn't notice him staring.

Tony was fascinated, yet threatened by Tonia. She seemed so confident in her answers, yet her knowledge was without a doubt expansive. He wondered if she had a relationship back in her dimension.

Clint liked Cline's bow. It was similar to his, except the color was black in the light, but reflectively grey in the dark, or shadow.

Loki was honestly doubting that Lokia was like him. She could not be a Jötunn. If she was, he would have sensed it. Maybe she was just all to well at hiding it.

"When does this portal come?" Steve asked. Lokia thought on it. "Five weeks, at the least." The Avengers were baffled. They had to deal with double Tony?! Night enducing. "Well, we should show you-" Lokia stopped Captain again. "We already know our way around. We gathered information once we arrived." Steve nodded.

"I say it's only fair that the doubles stay with the original." Bruce said. Tony looked horrified to stay in a room with Tonia. Thor was agreeing, maybe he could get to know Thorina. Loki dreaded it. He didn't want himself as a girl, near him. The mewling quim, she was. Clint shrugged. "Okay."

~ A day later ~

Tony and Tonia were nightmares. They continuously pranked us, laughing at us for a stupid reason, or corrected us once we were wrong. Steve was getting pissed, Bruce avoided them at all costs, the rest did as well.

Lokia was staying in the walk-in closet of Loki's room. Loki didn't mind it, Lokia thought it would be easier to sneak food at night like this.

Thorina and Thor got along nicely, they trained with each other, talked, made jokes. It was hilarious to watch the friendship blossom. Yet again, Lokia was growing envious that Thorina had such a nice relationship with her double.

Clint and Cline shot people with suction cup arrows. It was awesome to see angry faces, and for the two to hide in the vents, until the coast was clear.

~ Second Night ~

Thorina slept on the floor. Thor didn't like it, but she had insisted. Finally he broke, picking her up softly and placing her on the bed. He curled up next to her, wrapping on arm around her torso and falling asleep. Thorina felt safe tonight.

Clint and Cline just shared a bed. They both kept pushing each other, trying to get more room. The ended up back to back in the middle of the bed. Occasionally, Cline would wake up to Clint making 'Pew Pew' sounds in his sleep. She recording it.

Tonia slept on the top bunk in the bunk bed she shared with Tony. You both ended up having humorous pictures of each other sleeping in weird poses, or having a weird face. :P

Lokia slept in the closet. Loki just kept quiet. He couldn't sleep, yet again. He looked to the closet, surprised when it was frozen. He went to it, and thawed it. Once the door opened, he saw Lokia in her Jötunn form. She did this every night. Loki ended up letting her sleep in his bed, and he slept in the closet.

The bonds between the doubles grew over the first few days.

This was just the beginning.

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