(Loki) The Smiler pt. 3

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(Listen to 'Towards The Sun' for the full experience pls)

You appeared on a beach. The waves always calmed you. This was your true home. You sighed, sitting to where your feet would hit the water.

Silence. It was all you've ever known, really. Wounds. They never hurt you anymore. Love. You didn't remember what it was.

Until now, of course. You loved him.

You loved-

"Hey," You looked over, to see Loki. He sat besides you. "How did you find me?" Loki shrugged.

"Why did you leave?" He asked. You shrugged in response. "That's not an answer." You shrugged again. You heard him sigh.

The sun began to set, as you stood. Loki watched, as you walked to the trees. You rested on a hammock.

You rocked quietly, though you felt Loki watching you. It didn't make you feel uncomfortable, quite the opposite actually.

"Can you move over please? My feet are killing me." You looked at Loki, who stood at the foot of the hammock. You moved over slightly.

"Thanks." He sighed.

You each sat an inch apart.

"Hey, uh," he started, but couldn't finish. "What's your name?" You looked at him.

"Y/n." Loki smiled, which made the corner of your mouth twitch upwards.


Loki stared at you. You stopped smiling. "Is something wrong?" He shook his head. "I just liked that smile." You blushed, before quickly putting on your mouth.

He groaned. "Aw, that's not fair." He pouted. You shrugged. "If your the God of Mischeif, then why are you just sitting there?" He looked skeptical.

"How did you-" "Well, I mean, your the only guy who could stop me. I had to learn more about you. Obviously." You were lieing straight through your teeth.

You just thought he was hot.

"Uh-huh." You looked away, the mask hiding your real smile. Suddenly, the mask was pushed off. It landed in the sand.

Loki stared at you. "Didn't have to be that complicated, I thought you were gonna put up a fight." You smiled.

"I can cause my own Mischeif." He turned to look at you, but inside was met with a kiss. Quick. You pulled away, sliding the mask over your now larger then the mask smile.

He seemed speechless. "Wow, I made a god speechless. I'm proud of myself." Soon you both sat under the stars.

The only distance between you two was when you needed to breath.


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