(Steve) Midnight

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Dedicated to: YOLOUATSLYL
Plot: Based on the song 'Midnight' by Beth Crowley.

"Hey Y/n. Cap' needs you to be on [Insert Rooftop Address] at midnight." Tony said, still working on his newest project.

"Ok, I'll be there." You were skeptical. Captain wanted to meet on a rooftop? You had your doubts.

You walked past Steve, who avoided your gaze. Maybe he wanted to talk about last night.

You sat with Tony, Clint, Bruce, Steve, and Thor. Tony knew you had a major crush on Steve.

"Hey Y/n, I have a dare for you." Tony had a mischeivious smile. "Alright, bring it on, Stark."

Tony also had info that Steve was head over heels for you, so his plan was perfect.

"I dare you and Steve to go into your room, for 2 hours." Steve was already walking towards your room.

You made a 'Im going to Kill you' face to Tony, before following. You heard your door close and lock.

"So, what do you want to do?" Steve asks. You look around. "Wanna watch a movie?" You asked.

He shrugged. "Ok." You put it 'Heathers' and sighed

Soon the movie was over. You had thirty minutes left. "Thirty minutes, anything you want to do?"

"There is one thing." Steve said. Without warning he kissed your cheek. Your face was a heater, and it was red.

The door opened. Tony smirked. "Times up." Steve quickly left, you sat in shock.

You stood up, approached Tony and punched him in the arm. "I can't believe you did that. You know how I feel about him!"

Tony smiled. "Now you know how he feels about you."

He left. Those words rang in your head the rest of the night.


You looked at your watch. 11:45. You decided to leave early. It didn't matter, since you picked up hot chocolate on the way.

The clock struck midnight, you just arrived. The rooftop was filled with decorative items. You smiled.

'Midnight' by Beth Crowley began to play. You were slightly confused, but the lyrics was explaining it.

Steve stepped out, holding a bouqet of  F/c flowers. "Y/n, I have to confess. I think your a great person, and you may not think the same about me, but I like you. A lot."

You smiled. "Steve Rogers, I feel exactly the same." He sighed. "I figured-" he stopped. "OH!" You laughed.

Steve placed the bouqet down, and hugged you.

"Why this song?" You asked.

"Because we were meeting at Midnight, duh."

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