(Pietro) 20$ Bucks

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(Special dedication to: YOLOUATSLYL)
Name: Tammy (Change if you want)

(Special dedication to: YOLOUATSLYL)Name: Tammy (Change if you want)

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Tammy casually read in her room. Her last mission was breaking into a H.Y.D.R.A base. She was grazed by the bullet, but nothing to major.

It was just Wanda, Tammy, and Pietro in the tower. Pietro was your good friend, you and Wanda were pretty close as well.

Suddenly, the lights turned out. "FRIDAY? What happened to the power? Can you restore it?" Tammy said.

She didn't mind darkness, except she couldn't see her book.

"Sorry, Ms. Tammy. A fuse short cut. You must wait for Mr. Stark." Tammy sighed.

"Of course." She grabbed a lantern, placing it on her bedside table. It illuminated the room just enough.

She continued to read, until someone knocked. "Come in." She said, bookmarking her page.

Pietro stepped in. "Are you alright, Tammy?" His accent made her heart melt. "Yes, thank you Pietro."

He nodded. "If you need anyzing, I shall be in my room." She nodded.

As he closed the door, Tammy called out. "Pietro, can you bring me a bag of chips?"

"Sure." He was gone and back in milliseconds. He handed her a bag. "Thank you."

Tammy opened the bag, eating a chip. Pietro grabbed a chip at inhuman speed, eating it.

"Hey! Pietro!" Tammy whined. He smiled. "Can I stay in here, for awhile?"

She rolled her eyes. "Fiine." Pietro clapped once, and sat next to her. "What are you reading?"

Why does he have such a cute accent?

Pietro ate another chip. Tammy glared at him. "Why have you done this?" Pietro shrugged.

Tammy stood up, putting her book down. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I dunno. The kitchen." He blinked. "But za chips?" Before she could  respond, she was placed on the ground in the kitchen.

"Well, better then walking." Tammy didn't face him, she was blushing.

He just carried me, that's making me wanna die

She thought. Tammy opened the cabinet. "Hey Tam?" Pietro asked. She blushed more at the nickname.

"Yes?" She mumbled. "Do you not want your chips?" Tammy shook her head. "You can have them."

Pietro shrugged. As he ate a chip, something hit him in the forehead. He pulled the suction cup arrow off his forehead.

Tammy laughed, running and shooting arrows at him. Before she even got to a door, Pietro grabbed her.

Tammy fell onto the bed, Pietro towering over her. "Pietro, what are you-"

Pietro cut her off, as he tickled her sides.

Tammy laughed. "S-stop it Pietro!"

"Beg me!" Tammy's sides hurt.

"P-Pietro please stop!" Pietro laughed, and finally stopped.

"Curse you, Speedster." Tammy breathed. Pietro looked offended.

"I zought we were friends." Tammy smiled. "Ok, you aren't cursed."

Pietro still played like he was sad. Tammy rolled her eyes, and hugged him. He was surprising warm.

"Hey Tam?" Pietro muttered. "Yes?"

Pietro pulled off you. "I have to tell you somezing."

Her heart was racing. "W-What?" Pietro took in a breath. "Close your eyes."

Tammy did so, slightly skeptical.

Her eyes popped open, as she felt a soft, quick kiss on her lips. Pietro looked at her, before vanishing to the kitchen

Tammy heard something, a whistle. "Hah! Stark owes me 20$ Dollars now!" Wanda fist pumped, laughing.

Tammy blushes cherry red, and ran to her room. She closed the door softly, and jumped onto her bed.

She sighed happily, her mind off in another land. Then she heard her door open.

"T-Tam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, upset you." He looked at her dinly lit face, which had a smile like he'd never seen.

"Its fine, no deal. ." She stood, walking towards Pietro.

"I can't believe you call that a kiss." Tammy pulled him down to her height, and kissed him.

Short but passionate. The best kind of kiss.

Wanda was ecstatic. "I get 20$ dollars, I knew it would happen!" She sang in her accent. She spied on Tammy and Pietro.

Tony was freaking out at the video. He didn't mind losing 20$ anymore.

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