Firework Mishap

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Info: Reader gets burned when a stray firework goes loose. Steve helps.
Warnings: Flufffffffy
You watched at another firework popped. Your eyes were sparkling. Steve smiled. "My turn!" He ran up, holding the torch and lighting the fuse. He ran off. Before the fuse finished, the firework tilted towards the crowd. "Run!" You shouted, a helpless girl stood right in front of it.

You took a dive, the firework shooting. You pushed the girl, and blocked the firework with your hand. You felt the searing pain, and you winced. It flew back towards the sky and popped a few feet off the roof. You landed harshly on your side. The girl crawled up to you. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" You smiled. " Yeah, I'm fine."

Everyone began laughing as more fireworks were set off. You walk to the elevator, and push the floor the med bay was. A second later it dinged, and you walked to the medical bay. Nobody was present, but you didn't mind. You grabbed a first aid kit with your non-burned hand and placed it on the table. You walked to the sink, and rinsed your hand off. It felt like hell.

Your head shot over to the door, as Steve entered. "Hey Steve." You said cheerfully. "Hey, are you alright? That was pretty cool what you did back there." You smirked. "Yeah, it was cool. I'm good though." Steve shook his head. "I saw your hand get burned. You need to go to a hospital or something." You laughed. "I swear Steve! It's fine." He walked over, grabbing your wrist. He looked at your hand. "If you won't go to the hospital, at least let me help?"

You sighed in defeat. "Fine."  Steve held your wrist as he pulled you to an operation table. He pointed to it. "Sit." You smiled, sitting. Steve began to wrap your hand up. "Thanks Steve," you said after a minute. "Mmhm." He hummed, still working on your hand.

"Done!" He said smiling. He helped you off the table. "Thanks cap'" you said, saluting. He shook he head, before turning and walking to the door. Before he could leave, you wrapped your arms around his waist. "No, don't leeeeeave." You whined. You felt Steve turn in your arms.

You felt his arms snake around your waist. "HEY!" You shouted as he picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his waist, your legs around his waist. He walked out of the room. "Where are you taking me? I don't want to loose my virginity yet!" You cried. Steve chuckled. "No, we're going to watch a movie." You blinked. "But what about the fireworks?"

"They can wait." Steve smirked. You nodded, looking at him. He looked at you, stopped. "What?" You blinked. "Um— Nothing. ." Steve pouted. "Tell me."

"If I did it would ruin our friendship." You said bluntly. Steve blinked. "Then can I ask a favor?" He said. "Okay."

"Will you kiss me?"

Your eyes widened slightly. "O-Okay. ."

You heard fireworks.

You leaned it, but left enough room for Steve to change his mind.

Steve closed the distance.

His lips were warm against yours, and they moved perfectly together.

Steve's tongue slipped into your mouth, deepening the kiss.

Then you pulled away, cheeks as red as the fireworks outside.

Not even they could top the fireworks you felt in your stomach.

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