CHP02: Asymmetrical Garbage

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Karin was all scratched up. She was barely standing with several bruises and scratches. She looked filthy, but as always symmetrical. Her heels were digging into the ground to keep her balanced. In front of her was a short black haired kid. He had yellow eyes and white stripes on the left side of his head.

"Kei, do you see what I see?" The orange haired boy asked his brother. His brother put a hand on his shoulder and nodded. They looked at each other and nodded. They were going to run and as always they were going to do it in sync.

Karin's sweat beaded down her forehead as she glared at Kid. She was breathing hard and catching her breath was out of the question. "It's not over yet." She said in between breaths.

Kid shrugged. "Okay then, Liz, Patty..." He said smugly spinning the guns in his hands. Kid was about to start shooting his soul waves at her when a rough voice stopped him.

"What are you doing with our meister!" Kyro screamed. Kid turned around and stared at him.

"How dare you fight a meister without their weapons!" Kei shouted.

Kid looked down smugly. Kei was about to speak when Kid shouted. "She was the one who fought me! She challenged me I had no choice when she used her soul waves on me." The two brothers ignored his comment and just continued to scream.

"You battled a useless meister." Kyro said disappointed.

"and with two weapons, you're one of a kind you know that kid?" Kei asked smugly.

Karin looked up still breathing hard. "Let's just go, guys... I- I... I give up..." She said looking up for a moment. She was dropping to the floor face first. With lighting speed the orange haired boy Kei, rushed to her side, Kyro was right behind.

He held her head up with Kyro right behind. He began to shake her fiercely "Who are you! The Karin I know never gives up! No way this kid is gonna come here beat up our meister and get away with it." Kyro shouted bringing her to her feet. "Come on bro." Kyro said motioning for Kei. He transformed immediately and fell into Kyro's hand. Karin's black sneakers fell to the floor with a thud as she stood.

"Come on Karin, let's show this reaper who's boss!" Kei shouted.

She looked up smiling. "Okay." She smiled as Kyro handed her Kei and he himself transformed into a large dagger.

Karin looked promptly at Kid as he stared at her. His mouth dropped open as he realized something.

"Come on Kid! Let's do this!" Liz shouted towards Kid. "come on Kid what's wrong?" She asked while Patty began to laugh in the background. Karin almost laughed at Kid's expression but her smile dropped as his words came.

"Perfect, symmetry..." He said in awe.

Liz cringed at the words. "Seriously! That again! Get it together Kid just don't look at her!" She shouted.

"but she's perfectly symmetrical, her daggers keep her balanced and her ponytail is..."

"Perfectly symmetrical, we get it just don't look at her. She's turning into a kishin, you can tell by the sole fact that she held nothing back especially against a reaper." Liz continued to speak but Kid just froze admiring the perfect symmetry.

Karin P.O.V

I didn't know what the hell was wrong with this reaper. He wasn't being as vicious as earlier. I decided to take this as an advantage. I raised my daggers as Kei began to speak. "Karin be careful he's a long range fighter. Your worst nightmare." He said dragging on the word nightmare.

I bit my lip trying not to get annoyed. "I know and his guns aren't just any ordinary guns, they shoot spirit waves. It's not my type of fight, but we can win this. Don't forget you two can shoot spirit waves too." I smirked.

"Yeah but first you have to impale him. You can't even touch the guy!" Kyro said riddled with disappointment. Kei smiled chuckling.

"Not so sure about that bro." He said pointing to the reaper.

I then stared back at the reaper. He was on the floor staring at me with what seemed like admiration. "What's wrong with you?" I asked disgusted. I looked at him for a response when his weapons transformed. Kyro and Kei decided to do the same.

"Look maybe we can do this some other time." The taller weapon said cringing. The other weapon was busy poking the reaper and laughing. I looked to them and the taller weapon shouted. "Patty be careful with him!"

The girl who apparently was Patty looked up laughing. "OK sis!" She shouted. I looked back to Patty who was giggling like crazy.

"Some other time!" You gotta be kidding!" Kyro yelled. He pouted leaning against Kei who was the exact same height.

"Yeah no way! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity we finally find, Death the Kid and you expect us to do this some other time!" Kei shouted. I put my hand in front of Kei signaling him to stop his irrational tone.

"No problem." I said stoically. Kei and Kyro growled but I quickly hushed them. "Defeating a reaper this easily is shameful and pitiful, we can do it some other time guys." I said quietly. "now, if you don't mind we're going to find our classes." I said walking away. Kyro and Kei stared at me for a little before catching up, they seemed confused.

Narrator P.O.V

The two girls surrounding Kid as he fell to the floor in the fetal position. "How can I compare to her, I'm asymmetrical, and she's she's..."

Liz rolled her eyes picking him up. "Perfect, we get it, Kid now let's go it's passed eight o' clock." His body turned limp to her words.

"It's asymmetrical, It's not perfectly eight o clock... I'm asymmetrical garbage. How am I supposed to live up to the expectations of a reaper if I can't even get to school at eight o' clock precisely." He said his face hung over Liz' back.

"What are you talking about! How can you be reaper when you never get to class on time!" She shouted.

"Garbage, that's all I am." He continued to whine as Patty laughed poking him in the cheek.

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